After a very long flight, (11.20) of which, I didn't sleep a wink, I finely arrived at Bangkok. The moment I got out of the plane I new I was in for a shock. The airport alone was massive and looked really futuristic. After I got my bag I went to get a taxi and was robbed, as I didn't know how much a taxi from the airport should be, I paid 1200 baht when I later found out I should have only paid about 300 baht, (not the best start but I'm sure they need the money more than I do)
When I got to the hotel I was greeted and bowed at about 4 different times before I even got checked in. After I dropped my bags off I gave my cousin Pete a call who was Just arriving in from Nepal. We arranged to meet down at Khao San Road, so I went outside and got in a Tuk-Tuk which, I must say these people are mad drivers how there aren't more crashes I'll never know, narrowly avoided being hit by a bus and countless cars, there seems to be very little traffic laws, anything goes, still I made it in one piece.
Arrived at Khao San Road, and was truly amazed at how much stuff you could fit into one road, its just a mass of shops and market stalls selling lots of weird food, clothes and services all for about a couple of quid of our money.
Met up with Pete and a few of his friends from uni and went into an Irish bar to get a few drinks. Future note to self 'Do not drink Guinness out of Ireland' it's a completely different drink and doesn't go down to well, (but still I drank it).
I've had to get used to some pretty weird taste sensations during my stay with very little European food on offer, I find myself eating a lot of rice with a mixture of different Asian foods, (I know I've ate dog cause the beef and pork taste nothing like they should).
The Hotel is amazing, with its own golf range, swimming pool fitness & massage club and a view like know other. My room on the 67th floor is far higher than any other building in the city, so with it reaching 83 floors high it makes it that bit easier to find your way back when you get lost down the town, which has happened to me a couple of times.All the roads seem to look the same (organized chaos), with a tuk-tuk drive every 10 seconds asking you if you want a lift ("where you go, I give you very good price")
I went to a few of the shopping complexes and they are so big that it would take you about 3 or 4 hours just to walk by every stall without even stopping to look at what they're selling (It's mostly girl's clothes, population is about 8 or 9 girls for every male).
Got approached by a man who I think wanted me to marry his sister. I had to turn her down, people here are just in such a bad way for money with beggars nearly on every street corner.
For the last part of my stay in Thailand I took myself on a few Tours. First I went to a war cemetery where a huge number of people who died during World War II building a bridge, just to se the massive stretch of graves. Then we went to see the bridge itself and walk across it.
Afterwards it was off into the jungle, where we ate some proper Thai food in a wee tin hut, it wasn't the best tasting food but it was all we were going to be getting.
After that it was up the river in a weird boat, before getting onto our bamboo rafts and getting washed downstream. We crossed a very unstable rope bridge with the wood beneath our feet crumbling. As we were crossing someone was moving house, and when I say moving house I mean that they were actual moving the house up the river, but the house got stuck under the bridge (They shouldn't have extended the roof space)
We got back into our jeeps and went further off road, deep into the jungle where we past a waterfall, before heading onto an elephant camp.
At the elephant camp we mounted our elephants (I got the baby) and were taken on a trail through the jungle before coming back to the camp, it was a bit of a bumpy ride but good fun.
We left the elephants to go on to see the tigers. Got to pet the tigers and had my picture taken beside a good few tigers and was holding some of the baby tigers.
My next stop is New Zealand, Christchurch which, I'm sure will be another great adventure, so I'll try and let everyone know the crack there as well, when I get I free moment.
Bye for now.
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