Pedestrians and primitive transport.
Vietnam is a strange place each city/ town/province differs so greatly. The people in Hoi An are beautiful. Gone are the pushy traders and taxi drivers of the city to locals who genuinely want to know where you are from and sit and just chat with you. As I sit overlooking the sunny and near deserted street with the occasionally bicycle passing by I drift into another Markean philosophy musing...
I wander if I have it wrong. I love the hustle and bustle of city life. The reassuring noise of constant traffic, the sight of activity day and night. The normality of not really seeing the stars due to the bright lights. There is even something normal about knowing a traffic warden will always get you if 5mins over your allotted parking. Here there are signs for roads with "pedestrians and primitive transport" the contrast could be no greater.
But who has it right? Is a slower pace the answer, an afternoon siesta and a river boat over to a sleepy restaurant overlooking the bay? Sitting on the street eating fresh curd and sheltering in the shade?
Which life is "better"? Which life is "richer or fuller"? Who is more satisfied with their lot? I start to compare my local coffee stop in stockbridge "leo's" to where I sit now. They are not so different. The people are no different? Actually I think there are more westerners in this one!!!
Life at a plodding pace seems great for holidays but I find myself restless with the need for more, the brightlights of the city. Maybe this place is the Atari to my need for an Xbox.
Alas for today, one last day, life will crawl on by like the very hungry caterpillar sampling cafes and restaurants until dusk settles over this place
- comments
Kirsty Maybe it's not a question of better, fuller or busier. Maybe it's just a question of home.