There is nothing as fascinating trying to eat within the respect of another's culture.
Tonight was a classic master class example.
1) Must remember to only eat with my right hand.
2) When you order the shish you are expected to eat the giant chilly that accompanies it. (Rude otherwise)
And despite what masterchef says just because it us big doesn't make it any tamer!
3) Don't drain your tea because then your host is expected to fill this up again and again.
4) It is acceptable to leave lettuce, as this is normally eaten first to fill you up requiring less meat!
5) where possible don't start to eat until after evening call to prayer is sounded, signalling the end of the fast.
6) Fast is initially broken with bread and lemon NOT your kebab.
7) When ordering Turkish coffee don't order it sweet as you are considered less manly.
8) Above all else remember not to finish coffee as the grit at the bottom will choke like sand and make you look a right idiot in front of the locals!
And here you were all thinking I just got a sneaky wee take away!
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