To try put into word the sheer size of the Hagia Sophia would barely do it justice. But for a building that can fit the statue of liberty under its dome and the entirety of the Notre Dam Cathedral within its structure the was a definite sense of scale when standing before its alter. 9 stories above in sparking gold mosaic Jesus gazed down from above sandwiched between two giant discs inscribed with the words Allan and Muhammad reflecting this buildings turbulent past. Once the biggest cathedral In the world under the Roman Empire the Emperor declared that upon its completion he had surpassed Solomon in his achievements. (Not bad for your own church despite emptying the treasury of the Empire to construct it!)
Next a visit to the breathtaking Blue Mosque. Having now visited countless mosques this must be my favourite with six huge minarets soaring into the sky a status symbol to the wealth of the Sultans.
My favourite a visit to the cisterna. A sunken palace of sorts this used to house the city's water supply but now modern mood lighting, orchestral concerts and regular dripping sounds give the columned walk ways a haunted phantom of the opera atmosphere punctured by regular flash photography.
Finally a fresh fish (as in caught before my eyes) sandwich on the Galata Bridge and a shopping trip to the Grand Bazaar for Turkish Lakum and Kebabs completes an epic day.
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