First open water Scuba.
The hut in the beachfront smelt like the sea, a saltiness lingering over everything.
Despite its humble outward appearance, Precision was the word. Perfect rows of wetsuits hung by size next to precise row of scubapro fins, BCD, masks and snorkels. Despite it small presence whoever ran the scubadive centre was certainly organised.
Behind the last row of gear I was met by a simple wooden desk, laptop and go pro it's only decoration.
Behind the desk was a giant of a man, feet outstretched on the desk, chair tilted back. He wore a shortie wetsuit upto the waist the top flipped over. He was completely bald with weatherbeaten skin glistening a treacle colour all over his impossibly muscular frame.
So there we were... A bald giant, and a hairy hobbit. Scuba?
After talking about my experience he hands me a medical form, "if you feel well in yourself tick no to the all as sign at the bottom"- that made me chuckle as the entire medical form was in Bulgarian.
I later discover my dive buddy has food poisoning so I would be going out one on one with the boss. He said this was ok as he had dived with Bulgarian navy for 10years.
So we gear up, my full wetsuit and heavy tank instantly creating a sheen of sweat across my forehead. We then march to the beach. Flippers on the descent to about 5meters.
My concern instantly forgotten in a rush to remember all my training from school,
breath, clear ears, clear mask, kick from hips.
The sea was breathtaking. The tide moving the seaweed In circling patterns fish darting everywhere. It felt like time stood still as we circled the lagoon. The sea garden he called it. Occasionally he would haul me back by the leg to show me a pottery fragment or funky fish under a rock.
90mins later we surface in a small cove with a bar, we walk out the water, wetsuits unzipped James Bond style, swagger to the busy bar we place the tanks on the ground and my navy instructor raises two fingers. (no verbal communication took place)
An impossibly attractive young barmaid (way out my league) places two beers on the counter. In a slick fluid motion slides a beer along to me (somehow I manage to put my hand out and catch this and still manage to look awesome) we raise our bottles then drink. Damn I'm a rock star!
- comments
Chris hobbit meets bond, love this entry.