Hey Everyone,
Sorry i havent written a blog in a while, the last few weeks of my life have been crazy and havent really ahd the oppertunity to sit down and write this, I can write alot and would cost me alot of money. Right, where did i leave you. Oh yes the Blue mountains, one of the best things i have ever seen in my life but i wont go on about that again. The last few days in sydney were crazy and i mean really crazy, The night of the blue mountains i chilled with my friend leanne, we took a nice walk down to the harbour bridge to see it at was really lovely. It was a pity i kept slipping over from the slippery ground haha..a tad embarrassing more so for myself than leanne. The next night My room, the room 306 crew planned on having a night out...I invited Alex the girl i met from the blue mountains to our room and we had some other french guys who were friends of duncan join us. One was name jean-francio.......we all nicknamed him DAVE and the other guy max we called dave grohl from the foo fighters, but after a while we nicknamed him jesus haha, if you look through my sydney to byron pics..i think you will guess who is jesus haha. That night was crazy..we started off with drinking games in our room, it was one of the best games of ring of fire i had played at that point very very funny. I loved my room 306 crew. The people in my room were Big Duncan a scottish guy from glasgow who was very cool, Ricky from nottingham..the legend, the two lads from north london, Mike who snored the loudest anyone in our room had ever heard and Simon..the balloon that couldnt wait to burst into hysterical laughter when ever we played the vegetable game. We had the two girls from winchester, laura and tasha, tasha was the smallest girl i had ever seen and laura was really awesome and loved getting tash good later on in the night which I will go into in a moment. Also had another cool guy called rob who was younger than us but still awesome and between all of us we had the best time for a about 4-5 days. It is one of the best rooms of people i have had and i miss them all...I think we are going to meet up when we are all back in the UK. We continued to play the games in our room with our few additions also, and we had such a funny game..i introduced them to the game vegetable and simon literally could not hold it in..he was like a balloon waiting to burst..wa so funny. We had the best time but it eneded at about 10.30 when the security guard came to our room to check us down into the bar as we were not allowed the drink in our room after 10.30. So we headed downstairs to the bar which was so much fun...If i am honest i didnt get down there till later so i missed some shinnanigans which i was sad about but..when i eventually arived the fun began on the dance floor with stupid dancing and watching mike crack onto every woman in sight it was great. My friend jenny from sweden met me also as she was in sydney too...i met her earlier in my trip on airlie beach. At about 2 in the morning a few of us decided to go back to the room an chill out, we were kind of tired. After chatting in our room, ricky opened the door a crack then suddenly shut it really quickly. Duncan was on the top bunk directly in front of the door and noticed that when ricky opened and shut the door quickly, tasha was behind him (obviously he thought everyone was still downstairs in the bar and he and tash were gonna get their jiggy on back in the room...Unlucky mate...we were there. When duncan said he thought it was tash behind him...rob went outside to look for them. At this point we all knew where they were as Ricky had been going on about all week how is friend had got some girl pregnant in the laundry room earlier in the month. Rob went outside to the laundry room and heard them in there. Rob came back to the room and we all decded to get our cameras, including tasha friend laura. We headed out, laura held the door open whilst us three guys snapped away haha. was very funny, we didnt see much, but tash made us delete them lol. The next day they certainly got some stick. The last day in sydney was nice..i chilled with the boys in the park in the sunshine with our was really nice last day in sydney. that evening i got on the coach to melbourne but not before saying bye to all in the roomies.. I miss them peeps even much fun. I walked out of that room feeling very very sad...I seem to make alot of freinds on this trip and a fair few people i can tell i will be friends with along time and that room of people gave me a moment of sadness when i walked out as i heard them laughing at one final joke about women with hairy breasts haha... i love them all. The worst thing about travelling is the saying goodbye.
After that i boarded my last greyhound coach to melbourne...the way the jounrey worked out is i only had one night in melbourne which wasnt ideal as i had heard alot of good things but it turned out pretty awesome as melbourne was soo god damned cold. I wasnt told australia would actually get cold. In the middle of the night the coach stopped at a service station, i was still in shorts and was bloody freezing, i nearly froze getting off the coach it was i said what is australia doing being that cold. Melbourne was a nice city and i spent alot of time with miss carla paris coakley which was awesome..naturally alot of walking was invloved and we caught up alot. the first night i met a really lovly girl called Laura who was great. she shared my last 2 beers with me that i ahd in my bag. None of my friends aprt from carla were in melbourne for my last night in australia, but laura made an incredible substitution...we stayed up very late talking about life and our trip. She is a great girl and i played her a few tunes on the guitar. The last day in melbourne before I jumped on a plane i spent with carla in st kilda where my hostel was based. After that I got my shuttle to the airport and jumped on a plain to fiji.
I will stop my blog here as i will write the next blog about fiji and LA. I am currently in LA staying with jess. Have had a pretty cool time so far, But i will go into that in the next blog. This blog rounds off my australia trip off. I couldnt belive i literally had a matter of days left in oz and felt it went so quick...i had the best time in australia and was very sad that part of my trip was over. I have met some amazing people in Oz and i will stay in touch with them. But i am having good time in LA and leave for london in a day or so. It will be nice to be on home soil. yesterday i planend my europe trip with regards to how much money i have to spent and i will be home very soon. This i am happy about as i am starting to get very tired, on the move, moving around on buses, trains, planes every 3-4 days is starting to get very tiring and i think i am getting a cold with all the climate changing in the past week or so..dont worry its not swine flu....i hope hahaha.
So once again this is me in LA signing out and missing you all, looking forward to seeing you all very soon.
Much love
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