Don't remember taking this picture either - double doh!
We were paying the price for last night, I was feeling like crap. Liz was worse, she never made it out of bed all day. As a result of lying in it would be too late to move back the flights and stay longer in Miami - three days is far too short.
The reality of going to Caracas tomorrow dawned on me. I needed to get a guide book to give me that extra confidence on how to survive the very scary city. Been here before trying to find book stores in America - it is painful.
Feeling a bit sick I headed out in the heat for a place I got on the internet. I went past loads of police looking at a large hole that appeared in the middle of the road. The book store was no longer there and no one I asked knew where there was one (they look at you as if you are mad). I walked back to the hotel and asked the desk where I could find one, it was a long way but a book shop was recomended. There was a large shopping complex just round the corner from where I was before. The book store was well out of site down an alley so as not to offend the locals (living their no book dream). It had travel books on every state in America but very little outside (Americans don't travel much). I found something that would do and headed back. Just so I don't forget I went into a photography studio - amazing photos by Peter Lin (I think).
Reading about Caracas scared the poo out of me. As I was reading I overheard a conversation between a transexual and Steffany who said she was from Venezuela. She gave me some tips and exchanged emails so that she could check out a few things and get back. One thing she mentioned was that it is essential to get the currency before you enter the country - I had none.
I was not ready to leave and after spending all day looking for a book store I was feeling a bit down. I went upstairs watched TV, set the alarm for a very early start and went to sleep.
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