A monumental day! Our first experience of hole in the floor toilets on the way to pushkar......lovely! We arrived at yet another extravagant hotel in Pushkar, checked in and straight out to the camel safari, the owner of the camels saw our pastey White skin and immediately whacked a 2000rupee fee on it (£28) our book says £7 so after about 1minute of haggling we paid that instead! It was a fun experience that lasted 2 hrs, thats all our backsides could take! We then went to the Brahma temple (The only place in the world that he's worshipped) then down to the holy lake where a not so holy 'preist' conducted a prayer then gave us a string bracelet and then demanded a donation of £20 per family member as he told us he blessed them all, to cut a long story short we told him where to stick his prayer, this wasn't well received and an army of 'preists' tried to persuade us that some donation should be given, by now me and laura had had enough so left! Laura had a bangle custom made for her, it was amazing how they made it! We have realized Indians perceive the English to be far more wealthy than we actually are, they are offended when we say we can't afford a £24,000 Persian rug, and something like this happens at least once a day!
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