Mark & Den's Travels
Xmas Time: We are enjoying Xmas with Zoe & Gavin and his family. Zoe is Marks Neice who emigrated here 6yrs ago. So big reunion for them both. We were made very welcome by Gavins family.
26-28th Dec
Christmas is over and we are off again we are starting on a 3 day Kyaking adventure which will take us up the Abel Tasman Coastline. We start off with safety brief and some coaching on how to load the Kyak with 2 night's worth of essentials like a tent, sleeping bags, cooking materials, food and of course the very essential bottles of wine. OK and we are off Mark has got the pedals so in control of our steering all I have to do is paddle, mmh that was difficult to sincrenise anyone that know us would know that could be a problem. but we overcome it and we are making good progress. Our first stop is Anchorage Bay beautiful spot, it only gets better (you can not imagine every day there is something different amazes you.) Lovely camp site we help 2 girls onto the beach with their Kyaks they started at the same time as us they arrive 4hrs after us and are exhausted. People were really kind to us when we were tramping sharing plasters and water etc. everyone helps each other here which is really nice.
Day 2 get the girls back into the water and we are off to Mosquito Bay (You must look at the photo's) We are tired ourselves today after 4hrs Kyaking and the christams fairy turns up with a 6 pack specially delivered by Gavins Water Taxi's to help us along our way. They were so cold and so enjoyable we could have sold them $5 a can. The camp site was not so preity but the further north you travel the quieter it gets and as you can appreciate Christmas is busy every where.
Day 3 Return journey to Marahau. So we decamp early and catch the tide before it goes out, otherwise we would have a long walk with the Kyak .We learnt from last night get the Kyak on shore before the tide turns otherwise you have 6hr wait.
Over the 3 days we visited 2 seal colonies, a bird reserve, and Adele Island where Zoe got married. thorougherly great experience do it again no probs.
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