Mark & Den's Travels
17th-18th Aug Paxse
Paxse is further South, which seems the further south the landscape changes flatter and not so interesting. We came here especially to see Wat Phu Champasak.
However before we took off on our little 100cc motorbike the journey was very slow due to heavy rains over the last few days. First Stop Tan Fan Falls supposebly the largest in Laos. Only problem was we couldn't see it!! We could hear it gushing off the mountain range but the clouds were so low we were unable to see across from the view point.No problem!! we climb down a very steep slippery bank to try and get that perfect shot from under the cloud. Which we did see photo's
Back on the bike we are heading for Wat Phu Champasak the highlight of the day. The Temple was built around Angkor Wat time so prietty old.. First off we have to get us and the motorbike over the Mekong River. AH!! no problem we hire a boy and a boat well 2 boats actually strapped together with bamboo planks strapped on top. I really thought we were pushing our luck this time but we got over the side without getting wet or loosing the bike. Amazing really!!
Was it worth the hassle oh Yes!! bit tumbled down and neglected but I think that gave it Character. The Shivalingham Sanctuary was still being used for prayer by the locals who seem to live in and around the area.. The challenge was to find the elephant and crocidile carved into rocks around the area knowing the age of this temple they obvisously had crocidiles in the river. The carving's were absoloutely perfect. The trip ended by returing via the river safely.
Next Stop Thailand!!
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