Sunset Cove is a lovely resort, great location, lovely pool and fab views. Our bungalow is the standard and so it is pretty basic, but it has all you need. One unusual element is the half open bathroom, the roof is raised on plinths - I guess this is for ventilation. This does mean that you share your space, not with other humans but any number of 6, 8 or 100 legged creatures.
We got used to that pretty quickly but one thing that has been annoying and hard to live with are the HUGE ants that have been residing in our bathroom. These things are like terminator ants, you try and squish them and they jump back up with their fists in the air, 'c'mon c'mon that all you got'. You try and drown them, they swim, 'yeah is that all you can do' You spray them with mozzie repellent, they shake it off 'we laugh in the face of repellent' These things were not for leaving our bathroom.
After one bite later (think it was when I sat on the loo in the middle of the night having had a few Changs) and a few days passed we asked the owners to do something. Since we could not be moved they left a huge can of ant spray in the room, this seemed to solve the problem at least for a while, we were able to go to the loo in the middle of the night lift the lid and be ant free - yay!
This lasted for about 2 days at which point I went in for night time teeth brushing and there were 4 of things roaming around. Right that was it, I got the spray and set to work. I noticed that one went down the back of the shelf above the sink, in with the spray I go. OMG what happened next was like a scene from Hammer House of Horrors. They came out in their droves, it was retaliation of the ants. They were scurrying, spinning from the drunkenness of the spray and jumping off surfaces. There must have been about a hundred of these things. I frantically kept spraying whilst screaming. Mark ran in and picked up the hose and we created a river type flow around the bathroom, picking up all the ants and directing them down the plug hole. Finally we managed to get them all or so it seemed...
The next morning I went in and some had climbed out the flamin plug hole, they died half way along the shower floor. Next step I blocked the source at the shelf, since then there has been one or two strays that survived the ant holocaust, they too had to be terminated.
The experience was traumatic but makes for entertaining conversation, I hate killing anything and this was a mass murder. Next day I fed the stray dogs to try and re-establish my karma!
As you can imagine there was no time for a photo shoot so here is one of the last survivors next to the plug to give you a sense of perspective, this looks a mummy size, the daddy's were bigger!
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