We were only in Belem for a day, so checked straight into a hostel that Sandra had found, where we ran into Andres, an argentinian guy that she had met in another hostel. The four of us spent the day sight-seeing in Belem, checking out the squares, the colonial theatre and best of all the markets down by the docks. As it was Andres birthday the next day, and we were all sick of eating Brazilian food, we decided to cook birthday dinner and bought tons of vegetables and spices from the market to make curry and rice, and some limes and cachaça to make birthday caipirinhas!
That evening was one of the best meals we´ve had and cooking was such a laugh as we improvised with the few utensils that were in the hostel kitchen. It was a really nice evening as we chatted over our curry and though Marisha went to bed fairly early as she wasn´t feeling too well, Rakhee stayed up most of the night chatting to the hostel workers exchanging life stories!
The next morning we caught a bus and headed off to the airport to catch our flight to Manaus, to begin our jungle adventues....
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