I made it!
After 48 hours of flying and waiting for flights, I did arrive in Wellington yesterday night (afternoon for the european ones).
Everything went pretty well until I missed my connection flight in Melbourne fuo to delay of the previous one. But even then it wasn't bad at all, as I met some elderly travellers with the same problem and managed to be allowed to the Business Lounge - which is actually a rather nice place to be ;-)
Seven hours later we took the next flight to Wellington. There, I was checked and checked again, met a girl who was supposed to go to the same street but to a different hostel, shared a taxi with her and collapsed into bed.
I got up at 11am this morning (missing the free pancakes, but I will try those tomorrow) and first tried to get some organisational stuff done.
So I went to the post office and a banc to get a tax number and a banc account. They were very nice and easy going and it doesn't even matter that I will leave Wellington tomorrow and don't have a contact adress - they will just send the things to an office in Auckland where I can pick them up whenever I like.
Then I bought a sim card for my mobile - also quite easy, I am wirting at the phone right now- and took a walk along the waterside.
WIt seems to be lovely here, but I still look forward to leave the city behind and enter middle earth. Well... ;-)
It is great to be here, I feel great, free and not too jet-lagged, it is wonderful to go out in shorts and t-shirt and sit at the shore in the sun, eating bread and cheese and I am very optimistic about getting to know people.
Still I would love to get a camper, drive to a nice campground, take a walk and eat the Cookies and Cream Icecream I just saw at the New World. It is wonderful to be here and probably it will become even better when I found someone to share icecream with, but I hope it is not to pathetic to say that New Zealand is not the same without you. Don't worry, I still enjoy it a looot!
Tomorrow I will take an Inter City Bus to Hamilton, where I will be picked up by my bridge partner for the weekend.
See you soon, my akku is empty ;-)
- comments
Claudia Eggeling Wie schön zu lesen, dass Du gut angekommen bist und es Dir gut gefallt. Ich freue mich schon auf die vielen Fotos, die Du machen wirst... ;-) Ganz liebe Grüße von Claudia, bereits bei der Arbeit im Klinikum.
Thomas Fein, dass alles fast perfekt geklappt hat. Eine schöne Zeit und ganz liebe Grüße von Deinem Papa - in trostlosen WOB kurz vor einem Meeting
Elke NIce, pls say hello to Anna :)