Hey all!
As you can see, I am home. For nearly a week already. Although my journey home was connected with some complications when I didn't want to leave the airport in Ho Chi Minh City but intended to wait 30 hours for my next flight there, wasn't allowed to stay but couldn't leave eigher because I had no visa and was about to be send back to China... well I managed to be NOT send back, got a visa (for a lot of wasted money of course) and spend many relaxed hours at a very nice airport restaurant, drinking lots of coffee and milkshakes with icecream and eating rice with eggs - actually it could have been worse (as always). I even managed to write quite much for my job, finish a certain birthday present (which will be given this next Friday) and 1,5 articles for the bridge magazine - quite productive, I should be forced to stay at a boring place with no one to talk to more often...
I ended up being really really happy when I could finally fly (and this means something) and apart from some turbulences over Turkey the journey was absolutly okay. For the first time ever I was able to sleep on the plane (it might have been an advantage that I had four seats for myself on the first one) so I was only half dead when I arrived in Hamburg on Monday afternoon and two hours later in Braunschweig.
It took a few days to compensate the sleeping deficite and the slight jetlag, but still I started to work on my master thesis the next day. The last days I have spend mainly in the room at my mother's place, solving statistical problems and finding reasons why I want to investigate this and that (even if I don't care about it at all). In between I spend a lot of time with my family here, visited my grandparents, baked a cake, watched a movie and bought two pairs of shoes. Today I did bidding challenge with Katharina because we want to be world champions next week.
So, new insights:
- I will write my master thesis. I can do this.
- I love apple apple pie.
- Boys/young men playing romantic rock songs on the guitar are really attractive. No matter how they look (might have been quite boring under other circumstances), they make girls like me smile and give them a second glance.
- Braunschweig is a really nice city. Well, I knew this before, but I haven't actually lived here for five years and now I have just been at places where you may swim in the pacific every day in the middle of October. Still there are really lovely places!
- After month of moving or planning to move and living in places where I don't really want to be it feels good to feel home again somewhere.
- Still I already plan my next journeys and I definitly look forward to them :D
So, Tuesday or Wednesday I will go to Potsdam. I need to get some work done for my job (for which I need to be in Golm for a change), I will play some bridge and meet Stephi (for the first time in ages!). Of course I also expect to get tomato soup, a selection of cheese and fried whatever with a lot of garlic from my host. And on Friday we will fly to Zagreb, meet Katharina meine Liebe and Paul-Taker and have a big Pre-World-Champion-Party.
Till then!
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