Today we traveled to Giza to see what Egypt is famous for... the pyramids, one of the seven wonders of the world! We weren't disappointed in the least! They were incredible in our eyes!
There are 3 pyramids in Giza, the tallest one being for the father. To show respect, the other 2 pyramids (one for the son & the other for the grandson) were built smaller. Interestingly enough, the son's pyramid appears larger as it's built on a higher plateau. We decended into the son's pyramid (discovering that it wasn't quite as steep of a shaft as the Red pyramid) leading into the burial chamber. Inside was the original sacrofagis, cameras were not allowed but some took photos with their cell phones. Got some fantastic yoga photos of us by the pyramids; we figure our Breathe (gym) classes must have paid off!
The Sphinx was built from one piece of limestone leftover from the pyramids. We were told people in ancient Egypt feared it as it was a human's face on a lion's body. We bravely got in close for a great photo op.. kissing the sphinx!
The Egyptian museum came next & we got a history lesson from our guide...information overload. We saw King Tuts exhibit of the contents of his tomb... 3 gold leaf inner burial chambers (built outside the pyramid, disassembled & then later assembled in the chamber...yikes what a lot of work!), his 11kg gold burial mask, jewelry, coptic jars containing his preserved organs & 401 guides to take care of him in his afterlife.
Here's a tid bit for today refering to the Nile River: Interestingly enough, Upper Egypt is actually the Southern part of land surrounding the Nile & Lower is the Northern part because the Nile river flows North from Victoria Lake to the Mediterrean Sea.
Our Arabic vocab is growing each day... our most used is "La Shukrun" (pronounced ~ Shock run!) which means "No thank you".
We just tried unsuccessfully to download our photos but failed, we'll try again next time!
We're off to catch our overnighter 12hr train to Ashwan tonight so gotta go! Salam from Egypt!
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