Charleston, SC
Home Sweet Home
It is hard to believe that six months ago I sold everything I owned, hopped on a plane and began my European adventure in the saddle of a motorcycle.It is even harder to believe that I am back in Charleston now!I must admit that as the plane circled the peninsula my heart started to flutter and I could not wipe the smile that was etched into my cheeks.Not only was I home, but I was getting ready to embark on the next leg of my life's journey;Where and how I am not worried about because as I continue to follow God's Calling for me I know that I will constantly be led by the spirit.
I arrived yesterday in Charleston and was greeted by Adrian, Kathryn and Brents who also happened to be present for my bon voyage.It was quite fitting that they be there on my arrival and I was absolutely thrilled to have the welcome of my family.It is strange being back.I feel as though I am seeing Charleston and even America through a completely different set of glasses and I am excited to explore this new perspective more as I settle into whatever the Lord has in store for me next.
So first thing is first, everyone has asked why back so soon as I was planning on being gone for a year.Well, I did not think in my wildest imagination that I would be back in Charleston so soon either.With endless opportunities and possibilities I thought back home in six months would have been the last thing to happen.But if you have followed any of my blog through the course of this part of my life's journey you should know that my plans and God's calling for me sometimes don't jive.I am constantly amazed at how the doors open at exactly the right times for the right reasons and all I have to do is faithfully walk through them.So, as I traveled through Germany I realized that the door of my European adventure was closing and a new one starting to creak open.In the coming weeks I know that it will be revealed to me more, but I already have a direction to walk in.There will be no time for sitting around watching the boob tube that is for sure.
As I was landing in Charleston, the flight attendant wished everyone, "a great stay in Charleston or wherever your final destination may be". As I thought about that I realized how fitting that is for our journeys through life.There is a final destination in our life's journey which is closely tied to our purpose here in this world and as we travel towards that destination we are constantly changing planes, trains, and automobiles; that is to say we are constantly embarking on different legs of that great journey through life that eventually lead to a final destination.My trip in Europe was just one of those legs, one of those legs that enabled me to learn and grow a little more and be that much closer to the final destination.This trip really was not anything new for me and yes I learned and grew a tremendous amount, but my whole life has been about learning and growing.My leg through high school, sailing in the oceans of the world, working at Barrier Island Marine, all of them were little legs that eventually led to another leg and then another.The interesting thing is until we complete one leg there is no moving on to the next.It just would not work flying from Ireland to NY and then expect to be in Charleston, you actually have to get on the flight from NY to Charleston.
This gave way to another though that there is the potential to just stay in Charleston and never get on the next flight going somewhere else which will finally take us to that final destination.Now of course I am not talking about physically having to go on a trip somewhere else, moving etc, but I am talking about a spiritual journey, a journey that constantly needs to be moving forward, where we learn and grow and after knowing you have completed one leg having the courage to get moving on to the next one.My European motorcycle adventure was just that next leg for me and now back in Charleston I am excited to see where the next destination may be and you can rest assured that I am not going to sit around in one place and waste a perfectly good life's journey because I am content where I am or worse afraid to step out of my enjoyment of the moment and seek out the next leg.
So now what's next you ask?Well, of course the usual getting a phone and drivers license change to my temporary home with my Brother and his wife and figuring out transportation. More importantly I am planning on spending a lot of time with friends and finding out what has been going on with them.I am looking forward to breakfasts, lunches, afternoon coffee breaks and endless dinners with all those near and dear to me. I will of course be planning a huge party for all my friends.Not a homecoming party, but a party for you; the people and relationships that matter most.Be sure and keep those email inboxes on high alert for the invitation!If you have been to one of my parties before you know they are not to be missed and if you have not had the privilege or you just copped out then here is your chance to stop by and say hello and more importantly let me say hello to you.
Stay tuned to see where the Lord leads me next.I have no idea yet where, but I am already so excited for that next leg!
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