WOW!What a weekend!Thank you to everyone that came out and bought our stuff and helped support us both in our next adventures.It was amazing to see everyone again and have one last Maybank Bash!Brents and I had a lot of stuff going on this past week and had a lot on our plate, but I am glad we were able to get everyone together for one last hooray!
The Friday party sale and the Saturday crazies yard sale was a huge success with over $5000 raised!Thank you to everyone.I want to say a special thanks to my family who all showed up and many of them driving 2 hrs down and 2 hrs back just to be with us. Thank you guys for coming!It was amazing to get a picture of all the boys together…if some of you don't know yes I have 4 brothers!
I want to also say a special thanks to my very good friends that showed up early on Saturday after a night of partying to help with the public sale!Bradley, Jay, Joel, Tyson and Adrian…you guys rock and I know the sale would not have been a success without you.I think Tyson missed his calling in life….lawyer…hell he should have been a salesman!No, we did not sell the half used massage cream, but we did sell half a bottle of tequila and the half used hand lotion!It is amazing what people will buy for a quarter.
Of course nothing would ever happen or could happen without Bo and Meme!Are they not the greatest couple on the planet!Thank you guys for being my adopted grandparents!You are always there looking out for both Brents and I!
I have posted some really great pictures of the party and the sale so be sure to click on the photo album and read the captions!
Thursday Oct 4th 6:15am, I will be updating the map and you will all see a line across the Atlantic to N. Ireland.Of course no flight oversees would be complete without a stop in Atlanta and NY….especially if you only spent $300 on the plane ticket!
I hope everyone keeps checking in and dropping a note on the message board to let me know what is going on in your lives!
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