Have managed to escape the cyclo drivers in order to write this blog. Since arriving in Hue we have been constantly harrassed by hotel owners, motorbikes and people selling art on the street demanding we buy from them! However the cyclo drivers are the worst, we were warned about them from the guide book, but we didn't expect to be chased down the road and even physically pushed into a cyclo. They never seem to understand the term "No thank you!"
However despite the cyclos Hue is a beautiful city, with the big citadel full with old beautifully preserved temples and pagodas and lots of greenary surrounding it. In the last days we have found the only ways to escape the cyclo drivers, firstly we explored the citadel within the citadel - many sections to this place. Was very old and once was the fortress which the emporers once lived in. Very run down, been bombed and destroyed by many wars. We also decided to rent bikes to take us to the nearby tombs, which where quite nice, but cycling around Hue surrounding countryside was much more interesting where we pasted incensed making villages and pagodas.
- comments
Zoe Sounds like you too are having an amazing time. it all sounds so beautiful and im extreamly jealous of your trip! Miss you both! xxxx
Paul Koczerzat Sounds wonderful despite the cyclos (sounds like an episode from Dr Who!)