Our time in The captal was spent looking at the national musium, temples and that was about it. So as i said we went to the national musium of laos, where we spent a few hours looking at old buddas and the like. We went to a few temples that were very impressive, as they were painted gold. We also spent some time looking around, the area close to our hostel. And that was it pretty much it. Our time was so unevenfull i couldnt even remeber it and had to have a conversation with jack to even get this much to wright anything about it.
Our journey into cambodia was worth a comment tho, Firstly we had a bus down to the 4000 islands (the crossing point into cambodia). This was done on a sleeper bus, where we had to sleep in pairs, and as there are 3 of us there has to be one person sleeping with a randomer. In this case it was jack. He went to sleep next to a middle aged asian, and woke up next to a young, very gay asian. We spent a day and night at 4000 islands before a day of hell on 'vip' coaches on the worst roads i've ever been on, i had more fun than matt tho coz he was sitting on the roof or imbetween seats. The one redeaming feature of the whole trip was that i was sitting next to a very good looking canadian lol
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