We arrived in Heathrow after a torturous 2 hrs flight from Aberdeen. We were in the hold over LHR for 40mins and soon realised we had a tourettes sufferer on-board. For you's who understand,I believe there was no gay man nor a dog's t*** involved. As we were waiting for our luggage we encountered a couple of amazing jakkies who looked like they had never been out of Aberdeen before and felt the need to touch every piece of baggage on the reclaim belt, they soon got fed up and went for a ciggie and our bags arrived safely.
After our hotel check-in (which included a free upgrade) in Heathrow we decided the best thing to do was explore the pubs in each terminal. Our hotel was connected to T4 but we quickly realised it was like a REALLY bad episode of Airport and moved on swiftly. Using the free transport in-between each terminal we tasted a beer wherever we could. We also discovered the wonders of panoramic pictures hence the collection in the photo.
On completion of our terminal hoping mission we accepted the free entry, brought about by our earlier upgrade, to the hotels exec lounge, where we devoured some canapés and drinks. We promise this whole blog is not going to be about food and drink....
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