Day 87 - Kuala Lumpur
Well we had a nice lie in this morning and woke up just in time to go and get some of the free breakfast that the hostel offers. We walk into the kitchen and there are 4 geckos in there! I'm so happy! One under the table, two at the fridge and one next to the cabinet YAY! We're sat having brekky and some of the geckos run into the ceiling and start making their little noises but one of them wanted to get a better look at us or something cause it climbed the wall, jumped onto the side of one of the cabinets and just looked at us for ages (probably thinking 'what are you doing in my kitchen').
Anyway Si dragged me away from my lizard spotting and we got ready and headed out for a bit of sight seeing. We walked round to KL tower first which is only about a 5 minute walk from where we're staying. Kuala Lumpur isn't supposed to be as hot as Singapore but when its 94% humidity outside it sure does feel like it, maybe even hotter! Needless to say we were very sweaty by the time we'd reached the tower (didn't help that it was up a rather steep hill) so we got a few snaps and went across the road to one of the malls for an ice cold drink!
We cooled ourselves down and continued our walking towards the Petronas Towers. We'd seen them lit up last night when we arrived and I didn't think they looked that big, but when you're up close they are massive! There is a mall in the bottom of one of the towers so we decided it would be a good place to cool off in and to get some lunch. They have shops in there like Louis Vuitton, Harrods, Tiffanys etc so after lunch we decided we probably shouldn't bother looking in the shops and decided to walk to one of the more realistic malls!
After walking around not sure if we were going the right way we finally found a mall called Pavillion at the Golden Triangle. We started at the top and worked our way down and managed to find ourselves a new top each in a shop called Pull & Bear and they only cost us a couple of quid. Its a really cool little shop and Si has now decided that they should definitely open one in the UK. We continue looking to see if we can spot any more bargains and notice that Diesel here is ridiculously cheap! They sell mens jeans here in one of the department stores (their equivilent of house of fraser or something) for £15 and that is just the normal price not even after a reduction or anything! The womens tops were like £5 as well but as with most places they dont do my size grrrr!
Kuala Lumpur hasn't been what we expected so far, we expected it to be a lot busier than it is especially since we've come to a few of the shopping malls in the main tourist area on a saturday afternoon and we've seen places like the arndale busier on a weekday. However the locals are all very friendly and can't seem to do enough to help you, they love a good natter and all seem like genuine people which makes a nice change from going to Europe and everybody looking down their nose at you for being a tourist.
We tired ourselves out walking around all of the shops, it was getting late and our feet were telling us it was time to go home. We headed home to the hostel and both colapsed on the bed hoping our feet will of recovered for tomorrow when we're planning on going to the Batu Caves just outside of the city.
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