I was so nervous and stressed out all day. We had no reservation for any trains. I had already booked the hotel in Barcelona. I has no idea how we were all going to get there. But in the end it all worked out.
We had breakfast with the last few people who hadn't left the hotel, and there I was able to say goodbye to Jeff, Roxy, Sarah and Jenny. We then headed off to the train station. The first train, Rasam, Noelle and I rode to Basal, Switzerland where we were able to purchase reservation tickets to Paris. We waited for 2 hours in the train station (where we ended up sleeping) and then hopped on the train to le Paris. Once we got there, I needed to make a reservation from Paris to Barcelona, so I quickly ran from the train to the information center to find the ticket center. We only had 20 minutes before we could purchase the next train to Paris. The one after that was a night train that we couldn't afford to use because we had already paid for the hotel. With only 10 minutes to spare and 10 numbers behind at the ticket center, I was able to ask a random guy who told me we could buy the reservations on the train (with the help of Rasam pointing the guy out). So from the ticket center, we ran to the train, which happened to be wagon 13. 13 train wagons we passed and finally saw the conductor, who was nice enough to allow is to purchase reservation seats on the site.
We finally got in and I was able to relax. We waited in the bar for a bit until the conductor could give us the tickets and the seat numbers. Luckily there was four spots left on the train, so it was a relief we were able to get onto the train. I finally got some food since my nervousness made me not want to eat. I got some food, slept and journaled.
We finally got to Barcelona at around 11pm. Once we stepped outside, it was sooo humid. And once we go inside the metro station, it was worse. The humidity was awful that you were constantly moist all the time. But I was so happy to have finally made it to Barcelona. We got on the metro and headed to our hotel. We got there, having no trouble and was able to unpack, relax and sleep. I was so relieved we made it. Goodnight Barcelona, I'll see you in the morning.
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