This whole weekend Jeff gave to us to explore and so whatever we wanted. It was nice, but all I kept thinking about was when I was going to start my paper haha. But today, I decided to explore the city since exploring in a group of 30+ can be tiring and hectic. So I planned with Noelle and Melody, and we decided to rent bikes for the day from the hostel. This morning, we rode our bikes over to the waste to energy plant and saw the huge land they owned. We also met a guy named Mark who lived on a boat. He welcomed us to Copenhagen and even offered us his beach to use since he was going out for the day. He was talking about how some of the housing here were used as barracks for the military back in the 1960's and it used to be rubbish. But now it's a community and homes for many people. We ended saying buy to Mark and continued on our bike ride. We stopped by a grocery store (which didn't accept my card, which I was mad about) and rode to the church near Christiania, where we sat and had lunch.
After lunch, we biked to see one of the castles located in Copenhagen. We couldn't go in it since we didn't want to pay, but we were able to see the outside and walk around the gardens. We parked our bikes outside and explored. After about sitting inside the gardens to rest, we walked back to our bikes and headed to the coast of Copenhagen.
We rode to see the Little Mermaid statue. It was small, when I expected it to be bigger but it was pretty cool. It would have been nice to sit and watch her but there was so many people trying to take a picture with her. But we ended up doing that anyways. We all got ice cream and sat on the rocks and just saw people take pictures with her. And also waited for someone to fall in the water. She was located on a rock in the water, but you could go to her by stepping on rocks. But some people weren't as bright as they were as they kept slipping or dropping their things in the water. It was good entertainment.
Afterwards, we snapped a quick picture of her and decided to head back to the hostel as we promised everyone else that we would go to the water with them at 4pm. We got back around 430pm and went to enjoy the sun and water. Afterwards, we went back to the hostel and that's when we heard one of our fellow classmate, Chima, had gotten his backpack stolen in the lobby, so our professor and Roxy, the onsite coordinator, were telling everyone to keep an eye on their things since this hostel was a pretty big place. I felt bad for him, and we all tried to calm him down. We got him too, and we treated him to dinner at a pizza place across the canal from our hostel. Phillip, Stephane, Melody, Brittany, Diana, Chima, Rasam and I all went to eat pizza and had a good time eating by the water.
Afterwards, we went back and heard Noelle was going out with Alex, Brittany, and Shioban so me and Rasam decided to join as well. Shioban's friend, Jonathan was coming into town, so he was going to show us around. We went to the train station to meet him (where we ended up losing Ben) and followed him to the meat-packing district. Rasam and I bought a few beers before heading to the bar we were going too and drank them along the way. We got to the first bar and it was packed. There was no room whatsoever. Jonathan knew some people and found us a table. We weren't there long, but Rasam and I decided to pack a bowl. Just when we finished, we were leaving to another place that Jonathan recommended. We left the bar and headed to a club (that Jonathan was able to get us in for free) where Brittany was going crazy and dancing all over the place. Me and Rasam were trying not to babysit her but we couldn't not watch after her since she was in the group and it seemed like no one else was looking at what she was doing. A guy almost tried taking her from the room and I thought to myself, no, she's intoxicated, that can't happen, so I took her away. But she didn't seem to get it. That kind of ruined my night since I didn't want to babysit her but I also didn't want anything to happen to her. I ended up leaving around 4 am just because I was getting tired and annoyed.
Overall, I had a good night. It was one of the best nights Ive had out here in Europe. Until next time.
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