Today, we left Malmo and headed off to Copenhagen. We weren't in a rush to get there, so the morning was pretty laid back. The journey to Denmark didn't take that long; it was a short 30 minute train ride, which was nice. But it sucked because I wasted a Eurail day when I could have saved it.
We got to the train station and headed straight to the Hostel. It was that far a walk, but it was pretty warm in Copenhagen. We checked into the hostel and dropped our stuff off. The room I got wasn't too bad, but it sucked because we were the only room with 6 people when everyone else had 4 or less. So we were pretty cramped but it wasn't too bad. I wasn't in the room that often (just to sleep) so it wasn't a big deal. What did suck was that our hostel had nooo circulation whatsoever. It was always warm, stuffy and kinda stank. Then again it was a hostel of 20+ stories tall so there was soo many people there.
We had a break of about an hour before Jeff, our professor, was going to give us a tour of the city. We walked all around the city. Jeff pointed out some interesting things in the city, some nice places to eat and where our classroom was going to be for the next week.
Our tour lasted about an hour and half, and by that time we were all hungry. We ended up slitting and I went with Rasam and Noelle to get cash and find food. We wanted to visit Christiania - the land of where weed is llegal and can be bought. It was basically Berkeley but 10x more. So we first grabbed some expensive burgers (that's when we found out food in Copenhagen is expensive) and headed off to see Christiania.
We got there and ran into some of the people in our group. We explored the grounds, and found the street that was most popular in Christiania: Pusher Street. It was known as the Green Light District (hint hint) and that's where you could weed. There were signs of no photographs allowed everywhere. There was also tents and tents of people selling weed and other things (I didn't want to ask). But there was also restaurants, stores, and places where people can hang out. People were dancing, singing and having fun. So we explored, bought some grams, and ended up chilling on a hill in the Green Light district and smoked. It was pretty chill. We ended up going back to buy more, and got separated from the group; that's when me and Rasam decided to head back. Leaving Pusher Street, we a crepe cart. We couldn't resist to buy one. So we bought some crepes. We also ran into Phillip and Ellen who also wanted to see Pusher Street, but we didn't wait for them and headed back to our Hostel, where we just chilled for the rest of the night. It was a good day.
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