and rach.. (whoops!) its cos i started writing me and steve then deleted it then typed it again... oh i hope she doesnt kick my arse!
Dave Chappers
Sounds Like you having a great time. I'm so jealous you met David Cameron. I hope he gets elected soon. Let adam know that Cov have picked up again with the Morrison bagging a late winner against the brummies last night! Look forward to seeing you soon. The weather in the UK has been amazing you have really been missing out! Just read nats message oh my god i'm sorry she lets you know such intimate details of our exciting life! Anyway another one has bitten the dust in james and claire, so just nat, jo and sarah to go of you girls an lel and guru from the boys. Pretty confident it may happen for us before Lel, but you never know! Hope you having great time, miss adam over christmas cos we are trying to arrange a 5 a side in cardiff and need him on our england side! We'll have to sort it when you get back!
Take it easy
Hello lovelies!
I can't believe you walked past a murdered body in Jo'burg - that's so scary! Also, can't believe you've done Oz already, that seemed to go really quick! Sounds like you had a brill time though! How's NZ? Ohhhhh I know I keep saying it but I soooo wish we were with you. We miss you and we're also sooo jealous. I'm going to have to do more travelling, me! I just read Lovely Tash's brill idea about the photos - that hasn't worked though, no? Surely there must be a way? Can you use a different SIM card for the rest of your travels then take the SIM to whoever Tash went to? Fingers crossed!
So, what news of here? Umm have had v fun Halloween weekend - I made Dave eat Halloween food (ribs, potato faces and witch faces cut into peppers) and drink blood (red wine) and then watch Hocus Pocus on Friday!! ha ha! We had our first ever trick or treaters which I found very exciting and got a big bowl full of sweets to dole out yippeee!! Then went to a party last night which was quite fun. The weather is DISMAL but what can you do? I'm now on a cereal diet to lose a billion lbs so I can eat extra chips at Christmas yeeeyyy!!!Other than that, I can't think of one remotely interesting piece of news (was what I already wrote interesting, though? Hmm). I will think of something better for next time!
Miss you both loads, keep the blogs updated. Btw it was lush to see all those pics of you on Facebook, you both look so happy!
Loads of love, Natalie x x x x
Mum And Dek
You didn't know that Bet and Jean were silver surfers did you? Hope that you are enjoying NZ. Everyone says what a beautiful and spiritual place it is. Linda and John had a camper van when they stayed there last year and absolutely loved it. It's one step up from a tent anyway! We are fine which is more than can be said for the weather. The Indian Summer is well over and we had our first flakes of snow last week!! Today it is just wet and miserable. Wish we were with you! Love you and miss you, mum and Dek xxxx
Betty And Jean
Just to let you know that we are thinking of you and wishing you well. Your mum brings us copies of your blog posts to keep us up to date with your travels. Looking forward to seeing you in the New Year. Love Betty and Jean xx
Mum Di
Hope you ahve arrived in NZ safely .... just can't wait for some photos.....please! I'm off to Scotland tomorrow for Granny's 89th birthday will send her you love and good wishes. I've have made a collage of all the Grandchildren and children for her wall! lots of love Mum xxx
Butch Green
hi guys
congrats adam your team the sharks have won the currie cup (rugby) trofee of sa rugby beating the bulls 14-9.hope your still haveing fun in ozzie land.I't summer time now in sa and temp. is going up to 40 degrees.adam&mair now the beach is the right place to be and enjoy some nice hot days.enjoy your trip onwards love butch
Mum And Dek
Mandy says that your nan is absolutely thrilled with her postcards and her face beams every time she receives one so keep up the good work. Mand has asked which e mail address to use and I have given her Ad's work one. Hope that is ok.
It is cold wet windy and miserable here today and the clocks go back an hour tonight so the days will be getting shorter. You are definitely in the right place.
Love you lots, mum and dek xxx
Mum And Dek
Hello both,
Just saying hello and hope that you are ok. I have just sent a full e mail which will probably take you the rest of your holiday to read!!! You know me, don't use one word if ten will do! Guess that I just miss talking to you so am doing it by e mail. Hope you are having a great time. All is well in sunny England.
Love and miss you both, Mum and Dek xxxx
Butch Green
hi adam&mair
i'll send the pic's in the week.adam can you look for the vacancies in your council,i want to aply like discussed.
Miss Lou
just a quicky as I had a brainwave in the car. I am having some probs getting some pics off one of my memory cards from China...and they are important pics. So i went to see a man in a shop, and he has various ways of extracting data from memory cards...he even said that he may end up bringing up everything I'd ever written to that card...soooo...that makes me think that perchance all is NOT lost with your Africa piccles. If you go and see a man in a shop about picture extraction, he might be able to rescue them for you too!
Think about it...the MOD would have ways and means, so some normal people must have ways and means too. Fingers crossed!
Lots of love
Butch Green
hi sharks and springboks
hope u loved the jerseys i gave 2 you, adam&mair thank you 4 the present that you gave us.about crime in j'burg,i told you it's very fast up north,great for me i'm/were about 1500 km away from the things.Cape town are a very friendly city my friend.Don't worry i'll send some nice pic of the place and what we have taken via e-mail.My wife sends her regards and really want to visit england in the comeing year.enjoy your trip onwards and stay nice.