Do you have any aches and pains Adam? Now that you are the wrong side of 25? relic.
Enjoyed the blog...had me laughing out loud. Especially the towel incident. Hahaha. Brilliant!
I never did learn the England Germany result...I think we lost. And we have lost both rugby matches so far. We're excellent.
Ski minus 2 days. Eeek!
Are you out of the snow and into the heat now?
Your blog is looking very travelleresque now...look at all the places you've been to!
Keep writing them.
Love to you both
Butch Green
hi adam and mair i'm just struggeling 2 put on the pic. but trying my best. hope you still haveing fun.
Mum And Dek
Hello both,
Glad to hear that you are ok and having such a great time. I have just done an e mail to you to catch you up with our news. We are full of Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding and Rhubarb crumble having been out to lunch at a friends house. Good old English food. You remember that don't you? I think that Dek was more worried about their two big alsations who sat and watched us eat it!
Have fun,
Love you lots, Mum and Dek xx
Mair & Adam
Thanks for all your messages everyone! we love reading them.
Mair and Adam x
Bob, Mand, And The Boys
Ad and Mair
Everyone enjoys reading the blog, keep it up. Just printed off the latest installment for Nan, in the worlds biggest text, so she can read it !
Did you get our e-mail ?
Love Bob, Mand and the boys.
Butch Green
hi adam sorry to be so late but h-bday and hope that mair gave you a nice b-day present.i'm sending the pic next week of africa hope you enjoy the day.
love butch
Mum And Dek
Happy Birthday Ad!!!!
I know that in NZ your birthday is now over but I did all the hard work today so I am sticking with that!!
It was wonderful to talk with you earlier and we are glad that you had a good day.
I have been thinking of you all day. Out of sight is definitely not out of mind. I miss you both.
All our love to Mair
Love you to bits, Mum and Dek xxx
How many times have I used the word 'still' in one message?
Good to see the message board's still going down a storm with the boys from school Bulldog! Ha ha! I'll send out another reminder email to see if anyone remembers who you are.
Still sounds like an amazing journey. Bet Judd still managed to pick up a couple of speeding tickets in the snow! Still insanely jealous of all your adventures, but the fact I go to work in the dark and rain and come back in the dark and rain is helping me through it...
Anyway, thought I'd wish a big happy birthday for the man who still wishes cake contained everything a boy needs in his diet. Mr. Adam Bull, another year past and we salute you.
Now get some beer down your neck.
Big love (to Mair as well obviously), TC and Sarah xx
Mum Di
great to hear you caught up with Lyn's home ~ is it as amazing as I've heard? Too bad Lyn wasn't there but you said you had a good chat with her on the phone.
here is a message from Andrew whe is here now havining been to the Wales v S Africa game yesterday.
overwhelmed by the number of wedding photos now around your house but they are all wonderful and just had a fantastic weekend with your parents, brother and my dad and uncle. Sadly not the right result for wales but a cracking game, with terrific atmosphere at millenium with roof on. Bella's grown loads and as gentle as always. Hope all's well with you two (in NZ now I think?). Andrew x
Derren Brown
Little slow at getting on here. Cant wait to see the Africa photos...
Mum And Dek
Total respect Mair for driving the camper van in snowstorms and on strange roads. I have a panic attack coming back from Asda!