In the spirit of true backpacking we arrived in Melbourne with bags heavier than we could manage and were very happy to sleep on Andy's floor, anywhere that wasn't a tent seemed like luxury! Andy lives in the very trendy Winsdor, full of cafes, bars and quirky little shops. His flat was also just by the station so very handy for us tourists to get into town and explore all Melb (as the locals call it!) have to offer.
On our first day as the kind of tourists we make fun of back in the UK, we tredged around Melb, wearing our walking boots (of course) and not enough clothing for the strangely cold weather. We went into the fantastic Melbourne Museum, so good Mair had to prize Adam away. He just couldnt get enough of the man-eating-bugs section!
On day two we met Maitland (Andy, but a different one!) and his lovely girlfriend Arlene in the Botanical Gardens for sparkling wine to celebrate Andy's birthday. They were over on holiday and so it was great to get to see them. The boys decided to take a trip to the Sports Museum and MCG (stadium). The aussies not content with the abbreviation of MCG for Melbourne Cricket Ground, they instead simply call it "The G". The girls headed to the old Gaol, once home to Ned Kelly. That evening we had a BBQ and a few drinks at a local bar called Mama's Milk!
Day three was another day for catching up with old friends. We first met Amy (Williams) for lunch, which was awesome as we havent seen her for since uni. Then we met up with another of Mair's brilliant party-animal cousins, Jack (Chase). Jack's been in Melb for 4 years so showed us around the local watering holes as only a true local can. first stop on the tour; a cool roof top bar looking out across the city. loads of the bars are hidden down little alleyways making them impossible to spot. They are all different and slightly bohemian. We stopped for one more drink before heading to 'Shanghai Dumpling House' where the food was cheap and cheerful...loving the fried pork dumplings!! Then it was onwards and upwards...taking in a whole aray of Melbourne bars down different alleys and up winding stairs! was awesome fun, thanks Jack!
On day four we packed up our bags (even heavier it seemed) and waved goodbye to Melbourne and headed to Christchurch. NZ here we come!
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