I'm probably setting a record right now for doing nothing.
Came here with the bus at 11 am, hoped for a tour down the legendary Waitomo Caves at 2 pm, but that one was full. So I got one for tomorrow at 9 am. That is how crappy the busses are, one coming in at 11, next one leaving 17, so in order to get down the caves for all the blackwater rafting I have to stay in Waitomo for 2 whole days. And the hostel I am staying at is located about 7 km outside of Waitomo, which in turn is like an hour from the next major town and the weather is crap so my only option for the entire day is to stay in. I SHOULD do some laundry, but... I don't really feel like it. Anyways, been streaming through three movies that they've got here so far, got like 2 dozen more afterwards. Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm the only guest here aswell... But I keep myself entertained, sorting out my stuff and watching movies. Ate like a whole chocolate bar and have already downed 3-4 cups o' joe.
It is really surprisingly nice, just hanging back by myself, haven't done that in ages... Cheerios
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