Globe trekker
So the second leg of the adventure begins....
Arrived in Guatemala city late in the night on 2nd November after a long two days of travelling from LA airport into Mexico City, then getting a connect flight to Guatemala city then a shuttle to Antigua where the tour of Central America is due to start on the 4th November. I was the first of the group to arrive so spent the first few days discovering what Antigua had to offer. So hit the cobble street, not knows what to expect.
Antigua was the colonial capital of Central America until 1773. It is famous for its cobblestone streets, impressive ruins and historical colonial Spanish architecture and its surrounding lush tropical mountains and towering volcanoes. The people of Antigua are true to their traditions and cultures as local indigenous population don colourful costumes and sell their handmade crafts and textiles in the cobble streets and plazas. Thus there is a real sense of history, tradition and culture here.
Meet fellow group member which is made up of 16 other travellers/holidaymakers and two tour guides. Its a real mix of different nationalities, backgrounds, ages, interests, so a good mixture of people and all seem really nice so im looking forward to getting to know them. And no ladies theres no potentails on the tour-unfortunately!!!
So all in all, a good start to the second leg of the journey, and im looking forward to the journey......
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