Globe trekker
So here I am in Whistler. Just 2hrs, yes thats 2hrs not days, North of Vancouver-a short bus journey for once-phew! Arrived at Whistler ski resort, and what an amazing place it is. The ski resort is owned by one ski company and they own the whole mountain and built a ski resort on it. The ski resort has a charm of its own. It is a newly built ski resort in which hosts a vast number of building, each looking the same as the next but using different colours and slightly different styles to give it a real unique charm to the resort as a whole. Again, money is evident everywhere. You couldnt buy a one bedroom apartment here for under $400,000-madness! But it is beautiful here, but you would get bored living here if skiiing or boarding was not in your blood, and the commercialisation would takes its toll on you aswell, as it has a sense of pompousness here. But all in all seem a great place to come skiing for a holiday, just expect to pay alot of money for it. As skiing or boarding is not a poor mans sport. True skiier and board who have no money come out to work the season and work for peanuts just so that they have an opportunity to ski, whilst the rich man gets to leisuely ski at they convience whenever they like. The world doesnt seem fair some times. Money does make the world go round. It seem it would make life so much easier, but that doesnot mean happier.
So my stay at Whistler has been great as it is really beautiful. Now on to Japer, via Vancouver, lets see what Jasper has to offer. It snowing there apparently and in the minuses, so I best wrap up warm, so strange as in florida it was so hot and western Canada is so very cold. That how big this county is, to have such drastic climate changes depending where you travel, and being a typical Brit I just cant get used to the climate change, it was actually a relief when it rained in Whister-go figure, im missing the rain.
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