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Johannesburg, South Africa

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Chichicastenango, Guatemala

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Bonito, Peru
Ismet Hello Mia. I just wanted to let you know that I came upon your work via fb and love what you do and Who you do it for. I love the Lord as well, and feel like you are an old freind, though I've never met you. In addition to being a daughter of the King, I'm a wife, mom of two awsome teenagers, a 2nd grade teacher and a recently gone pro' photographer. Thank you for the time you spend sharing what you are doing with your photography, it's inspiring. I SO wish I could join you on your workshop, it sounds beyond amazing. I don't think finances will be in my favor though, so I'll root you gals on from the Pacific NW. Thanks again!

New blog entry posted
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Evelyn Texted with Wes this morning and all arrievd safely and got a good night of rest. All the materials got through customs which is a praise. They begin their journey now an 8-hour bus drive at altitudes up to 16,000 ft. Wow God is awesome.
re: Cusco, Lake Titikaka og oppsummering PeruNadia I believe Hollywood is taknig a cue from the modern news media, not only in a ripped-from-the-headlines subject matter, but also in the degree to which the crimes themselves are portrayed on screen. As more nasty details are featured on the evening news, I think the numbing effect that Matt Travis spoke of forces Hollywood to new graphic heights (or depths in this case). Also, these movies allow us as a group to vicariously punish the offenders that have made victims of our women. Usually we are able to sacrifice these deviants in the most satisfying fashion as slugs from the protagonists pistol put the offender down for good. I think sex-crime movies in the procedural category that Neal King spoke of can offer us valuable insights into what people want to see in their films. But the most powerful or helpful sex crime movies are not the ones that offer up a gross characterization of a rapist from whom the audience can easily and safely distance themselves. The good ones are the ones that ask the audience the big questions about their subject matter. Films like Happiness that ask if we can ever really know whose house our children are sleeping at, or films like The Accused or A History of Violence (here Im thinking of the staircase scene) that ask where we draw the line on what actually constitutes a sex crime.
re: Maya kultur og homestay!Ismet Hello Mia. I just wanted to let you know that I came upon your work via fb and love what you do and Who you do it for. I love the Lord as well, and feel like you are an old freind, though I've never met you. In addition to being a daughter of the King, I'm a wife, mom of two awsome teenagers, a 2nd grade teacher and a recently gone pro' photographer. Thank you for the time you spend sharing what you are doing with your photography, it's inspiring. I SO wish I could join you on your workshop, it sounds beyond amazing. I don't think finances will be in my favor though, so I'll root you gals on from the Pacific NW. Thanks again!
re: Cusco, Lake Titikaka og oppsummering PeruSarah Det er mange brutte lf8fter ute og ge5r ja, det er klart.Joda, jeg kan se APs syn pe5 at man f8nsker e5 vente med en avgjf8relse, og det retkspeerer jeg. Det jeg imidlertid er redd for er at man gjf8r det fordi man egentlig f8nsker utvinning, men ikke tf8r si det i valgkampen. Det virka pe5 meg som at det var en god del stf8tte for utvinning pe5 landsmf8tet (i alle fall etter det jeg har hf8rt fra andre).Hehe, det er bra det er noen som er der for e5 fortelle ham om de viktige tingene =) Vet ikke om jeg er helt klar til e5 ge5 inn i partipolitikken enda, men vi fe5r se
re: "2 norske jenter = 3 Cubanere"Johben Se5 kul med filmer pe5 blgoegn. =)Vem e4r det som filmar, ne4r du rider?Sje4lv har jag ingen som jag har se5dan pli pe5 som kan filma ne4r jag rider. =)Alltid lika kul att ge5 in pe5 din blogg =)
re: "Dont be a GRINGO, be a LOCAL"Mariann Siris mamma Mente ikke sirkus mamma, men ikke lett å rette når ser feilen for sent, slik er det med ordliste. Siri er seriøs og flink:-)
re: WAKA WAKA, It's time for Africa!Mariann, sirkus mamma Takk for oppdateringer under deres fantastiske tur. Glad for noe informasjon direkte før bloglesing!!! Fint å ha dere lykkelige og trygt hjemme igjen og hverdagen. Stor klem til to flotte jenter fra siris mamma
re: WAKA WAKA, It's time for Africa!Ruben English translation part 1:Ib4m still in shock. Just got home. Prableenb4s dad drove us from Sundvollen Hotel.Ib4m acaltuly still in shock. I canb4t shed a single tear. I canb4t believe it: Today I acaltuly almost got killed. Hunted and killed.What can I say? The last normal thought in my head was about the AUFb4s organization of students. I had just been to a political workshop (thatb4s what we do at Utf8ya) – and was on my way up tp the AUF-shop where I was going to take a shift.A good friend came over and informed me of the explosion that had happened in oslo. Sick! The Government-block and Youngstorget?! Of course many were concerned. The atmosphere wasnb4t exactly great, many thought this to be the worst moment at Utf8ya this year, but then things started happening. I had a lump in my throat. The biggest one ever.
re: Black beans and rice!Lipon Friday, October 7th, 2011 1:26 am at 1:26 amEven though I rellay benefit from the discussions going down here I do have a very quick dilemma that I absolutely need to have responded to ahead of the day's end. I am about to give your business to Comcast 1100 5th Ave Seattle WA 98101 (206) 260-3522, but am a bit distrustful. I've had some debt consolidation businesses in the past not treat me well, so I want to steer clear of that through getting some other consumers viewpoints on them. Reply
re: Rom & Jack SparrowMark Jeg er helt enig med Jostein, selv bor jeg pe5 vestkanten og selvff8lgelig bor det noen faksle personer her, men faktisk har jeg ikke ve6rt borti se5 mange som har strammet seg opp og blitt kvitt de sinte rynkene. Jeg syns folk skal fe5 gjf8re som de vil. Fruene som bor pe5 vestkanten har jo penger se5 det holder og da har de jo stf8rre muligheter for dette. Jeg elsker vestkanten, folk er kjempehyggelige her.
re: Exstremsportveko, Costa Rica og oppsummering CA-JourneyGaby Vi synes det lyder som en fantastisk sag. Vi se5 et indlsag omkring det i aftenshowet for en tid siden hvor de pe5 tv se5 valgte at sf8rge for et ekstra hus! Flot!!Dejligt med nogle energiske initiativtagere der ikke bare har nok i deres eget, i trygge dk..Thumbs up! He5ber der kommer en opff8lgning
re: Kåring av bloggnavnMamma Ønsker dere sol og varmt vær nå, dere bør vel trene på bikini antrekk igjen. Trøst dere med at her regner det konstant om dagen, nordmenn flykter sydover i hopetall. Frida og jeg digger sofaen om ettermiddagen.
re: Livet på en brasiliansk ranch, Bonito og Iguassu FallsMamma En full bok av opplevelser, vi syntes dere er flinke. Glad dere er innefor telefon kontakt nå etter min lille skrekk forleden dag. Alle penger intakt og kos dere videre.
re: BoliviaMariann Carlen, Siris mamma Dere opplever fortsatt masse, glad jeg har snakket med Siri på skype det roer "litt" . Pass på hverandre videre, stor klem til dere begge
re: Boliviaole Du store Alpakka for en tur! Bra dere ikke har høydeskrekk!
re: Amazonas, Machu Picchu og Cusco!- last visited

- travel plan
- Sentrum, Norway
- Havana, Cuba
- Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
- Caye Corker, Belize
- Río Dulce, Guatemala
- Tegucigalpa, Honduras
- San Juan De Oriente, Nicaragua
- San José, Costa Rica
- Ciudad Del Pescador, Peru
- Cusco Province, Peru
- Alto Lima, Bolivia
- Provinsen Andrés Ibáñez, Bolivia
- Pantanal, Brazil
- Bonsucesso, Brazil
- Forest Hill, South Africa
- Mahalapye, Botswana
- Zvishavane, Zimbabwe
- Chilenje South, Zambia
- Munhava, Mozambique
- Lowveld, South Africa
- Majorstuen, Norway
Mariann, sirkus mamma Takk for oppdateringer under deres fantastiske tur. Glad for noe informasjon direkte før bloglesing!!! Fint å ha dere lykkelige og trygt hjemme igjen og hverdagen. Stor klem til to flotte jenter fra siris mamma
Mariann Siris mamma Mente ikke sirkus mamma, men ikke lett å rette når ser feilen for sent, slik er det med ordliste. Siri er seriøs og flink:-)