Hello in Singapore now. For those who don't know Ash made mistake with the visa so they wouldn't allow us in the country. So now we are in Hot and V. humid Singapore.The Axis hostel we are staying at is nice and friendly and the Hostel owner can be only described as 'cute'! She is quite good at english, but amusing as she says "no?' at the end of every sentence waiting for you to smile in response. Also the toilets are amusing as they are IN the showers with semi see-through doors, so it is lovely to watch the expressions of the faces of pople in there! loL! Today ash and I are going to china town and to visit an art gallery which apparently has lots of textily-costume things so i hope ash with enjoy! :) been waiting for the rain to stops it has been pouring all morning so much that you can hardly see out of the window thought it still is really hot even with air con! not what we usually have at home. Last night we went out for a dinner at a chinese, which was lovely I had pork baked in cheese and noodles and a Fruit drink with ice and fruit pieces such as lycee and stuff lovely as it was still ever so hot even at 10pm and ash has sweet and sour pork, rice and coffee noodles which was 4 times the price of mine so I was trying to teach him how to live cheaply but you all know what he is like! , we sat outside as wanted to nosy at all the people walking past, though got a bit of a shock when a Giant cockroach came running at my feet! also there are Lots of Lizards ar on the walls, way more than we see in france. As yo walk along the street you can often hear the sound of the exotic birds in th tree above us. Everything is in English here. No wonder most of the locals are totally fluent, every sign, advert, etc. Yesterday We went out for cake and a smoothy I had Choco indulgence cake and a kiwi and apple smoothy... yum yum (it was better than Ash's Raspbrry cheesecake, and late- and twice the size :) ) Better get going ash will prob have nearly have read through his New moon book by now! speak to you all soon. X
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