Glad you now all have access to my blog, sorry quite a few of the spellings are quite dodgy but i'm trying to write quickly to stop ash from waiting to use the computer too long, and have so much to say have to get it down quick otherwise I forget things.
Was meant to go on the wheel last night but by the time we had got to the shuttle was really late so decided to delay that for today, instead we went out for a lovely meal. Though nipping into the public toilets it was enough to put anyone off there dinner- someone had a bit of a loose tummy in the next cubical that the noise seemed to go on for a lifetime...dont worry i managed to hold my breath the whole time I was in there! It was a thai resturant that we went to along the riverside which we sat outside under massive lighted umbrellas. There were loads of places to choose from and loads of foreign people around. There was a hooters resturant and dad and rob would have liked it as there shorts were giving the ladys quite a good wedgeys! Anyway at the thai ash and I shared a pineapple rice and I have chicken with garlic and Honey which was B-E-A-utiful! yum yum! so sweet and I had been missing the garlic from home. Nothing is garlicy over here! whole slices were put in and the sauce was all sticky and gooey along with a large bottle of mineral water - ash had a beer which is so much more expensive than england (about 6pounds for a bottle) though the area we were in was expensive but best for food. And loads of clubs and bars lined the streets with really unusual decoration such as at one of the bars all the chairs were wheelchairs that were painted gold in an arty way which I though was taking the piss a bit of the disabled but was still quite cool. There was also an irish and scotish bar there but didnt have time for that as it was already midnight by the time we had finished so we had to run back to the tram so that we could catch the last tran, unfortunately we had missed that one so we had to get a tram to nearby. Then ask at the stationguy how far to walk and in which direction as none of the maps we had, had that area on it. But the man looked a little confused as none of the singaporian people walk anywhere they are alll very naturally thin but not by doing much exercise so all he said was "long long away' and looked at us like we were mad. But we started walking and it was fine- I was like we will just look at the bus stops and follow one that is going in our directiong- ash keep talking to himself and trying to work it out if we had got it write on not by looking in the direction of the moon and stuff which made me chuckle!, but I said if the worse came to the worse and we got lost we would just get a taxi. An hour later we had got to our hostel and we were both quite pleased it hadnt taken us too long. Though outside our hostel there were loads of cockroaches- LOADS! all running round my feet so i had to do a little dance to get over them.
today we got a tram to the nearest station to the hostel and got a taxi fromn there to this hostel with only cost about 2.50 pounds for a 10 min taxi ride. We are on the 11th story so the views are great- im sure u will see the pics as ashs new camera is prob clicking away as i speak. Alll pinks and oranges in colour at the lollypopcorn hostel and the lady in charge speaks better english than the last and she has already arrange to cook us breakfast tommorow at 10am which is omlette i think with sausage. In out room has a tv with english channels, and we get free use of the computer which is why im making the most of it now so write you all an essay! Nice having a private room. Stops me having to do the knicker trick when changing my underware! Will be sad to leave singapore as i have really enjoyed it here but i think I will be quite pleasent to get out of the humidity!
Next time you all here from me I prob will be in Australia...or delayed at the airport but I hope not.
Love to everyone at home, Lu x
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