Hello, so it really is Lulu this time writing my blog!
First Installment, but until I work out how to use this bloody website I do not really what to do, and because I cant read the last entry for some reason I don't know what to write.
This weekend I went out with my new friends to someones farm and we took some motorbikes and there was a river I went into the water it was quite cool, not to cold and no crocs thank god. It took me about 2 hours to be brave enough to strip off to go in the water but with a little persuasion from the gilrs I did. It was wuite scary though because ther were loads of treees and branches under the water and I did not want to loose my footing, so basically I stood in the water for 20 mins holding on to Leam ( a friend) telling him not to let me fall
I also went ''dirtbiking'' with a friend on his motorbike over some land with ramps and bumps, I was on the back, I put dirtbking in commas because it was more me sat on the back of the bike holding on for dear life screaming don't go to fast dont go to fast!!! so I did a couple of brave things where I had to hold on to dear life.
We then all got on the back of the ute and headed back to the cars where It was my turn to ride a motorbike, this was fun, it was quite difficult co-ordinating using my hand a a clutch and my foot as a gear as oppose to the other way round like I am used to , but I managed it. we have to kick start the bike as well, but I yes I rose a motorbike all by myself and I was pretty pleased with myself.
I was meant to be camping, but chagned my mind so headed back into Horsham ( bit like kidderminster same size town ) with Kate put on some glad rags and went out for a few beers. it was fun! Did a but of dancing, checked out the locals, but like being in the talbot at home really, This guy spilt his drink all over me though he came over to talk to me and just spilt it, i was annoyed, but my friend hit the roof! he left though Thank god.
And yesterday Sunday I spent the day recovering, watched a few films has some Australian fish and chips ( certainly nothing like english ) and went to bed, then came back this 'arvo ( Australian for afternoon) dont know what the plan is today, but maybe be going swimming again, I dont know. will let you know though.
Off on a road trip tomorrow or wednesday I cant remember.
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