SO, this is not infact Louise, it's Kyrsten instead!
Louise is currently recovering from a hang over and about to go job hunting! I thought I would set this up for her ( and everyone else) while she was off, busy meeting new people.
Lulu arrived safely last Thursday morning, with no hassels and within an hour of her touching down in the country we were driving home. I think that the size and the sparsness of everything was a little over whelming (and still is) for her!! What else can I say? So far, I think I've had more damage done to my ears than I thought possible! Cries of KANGAROO!!! and WHAT IS THAT!??!!! AND STOP!!!! have been a constant but amusing addition to any drives we have gone on!
On Saturday Lulu met my friends, and thank goodness they all like her and she likes them ( I mean but why wouldn't they?!!!). We then had a 'Welcome to Australia Lulu' BBQ on Saturday Evening where Lulu tried her first taste of Kangaroo...which she bravely ate all of ( not a whole kangaroo, just a piece).
We've been yabbying (catching native fresh water crayfish), we've accidentally run over an emu and we've celebrated the 'Race that stops the nation' (Melbourne cup day).
This weekend, we're going camping and sleeping in swags (google a 'swag') and we're teaching Lulu how to ride a motorbike!!!
So, all is going well! A little bit jet lagged and over whelmed and a few shocks of reality and the realisation of being on the other side of the world to her family have all been part of it too! She loves to hear from all of you and talks about you all!
So, I'll look after her, but she'll be fine, it takes a strong person to get up and leave all that they have ever known and move to the other side of the world!!
lots of love to you all!! Keep an eye on this page!
Kyrsten xx
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