Hello, well what a busy week I have had this week, I went on a 3 day road trip and saw possibly the most beautiful sights I have ever seen in my whole entire life. In Victoria on the Coast is a famous road called the great ocean road, it is fabulous it is I don't know how long but it is long... HAHA
So where did I begin. I set off from Roses Gap on Wednesday morning to travel to Balarat to pick up some friends of Kyrstens, 2 British boys and an Australian Girl, all 3 of which Kyrsten knows from when she worked in England.
From there we made our way down to Geelong to the start of ''the great ocean road'' Which is basically a huge long road about 250 kms ( 150 miles )
Along it is miles and miles of cliff faces, and beautiful beaches, clear blue sea and beautiful sights for miles, so on the Wednesday we made our way along to a place called Lorne, we had alunch by the beach and got some provisions and then stayed in the Australian girls ( Bridget ) aunts holiday house in Anglesey, we had to break into the house as we had no key as we only decided an hour ago to stay there otherwise we would of stayed on the beach. In the monring we woke up had breakfast and went down to the beach where the boys and girls played surfing and I sat and watched ( I was not brave enough to go in the water) then we went back to the house made some lunch and set off for the next part of the journey, this part took us furthur along up winding cliff roads and round and round through the outskirts of the Ottway National Park ( a big sub tropic rainforest ) to apollo bay, after that we turned around and drove into the rainforst up some scary winidng roads with sheer drops of hundreds of meters, this was scary, but it was safe... I had my hood up, it was amazing huge trees and greenery, it was spectacukar to be in the rainforst, i was not convinced that anyhitng like this could be real for someone like small old lulu from Bewdley but it was. We then tool a trip down to Triple falls waterfall, it was a bit of a hike, but certainly worth it! Pictures are available once I get them onto a computer.
After the rainforest we made our way to Warnambool which is where Bridgets parents live and own a dairy farm. We were greeted with a huge BBQ and salads and lovely food, and then we all went to bed as we had an early morning. 6.30 to be exact as we went to the farm to have a look at the cows being milked. We then went to have a look in a old house where I was attacked by a huge spider, that tried to eat my face, some may say this is an exageration, but its not. Luckily though Kyrsten was there to be pushed into the way of the spider so it didnt quite get to eat my face.
After this very terrifying and upsetting incident we had breakfast and went to a plce called tower hill which is a big extinct volvcano and I saw my first ever Koala, it was ababy I named him KOKO. He was lovely, he was a wild animal though so I was not allowed to keep him. Then we headed back to the farm and made sandiwches and set off on the road again.
On the road again we looked at some more views, the 12 apostles and some other this ( Im sorry I forget ) and headed home to roses gap where we stopped in Stawell (pronounces stall ) and had chicken and chips and home to roses gap.
On saturday we went to Halls Gap and had ice cream went to venus baths went to boroka lookout and then met some friends headed back to Roses Gap and had some beers and another BBQ.
Today we dropped Bridget off to catch the bus, then went Yabbying again ( still no catches) and chilled out at Kyrstens parents house. Had another BBQ and watched telly.
All in all I have had a very long tiring week, i am quite knackered. Must be off though it is quite late and I think it must be soon time to head home to bed.
Speak soon Y'all xxxxx
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