So it has been just over a week since my last blog entry, maybe even two weeks, I cant remember but anyway, here is a new one just as an update of what I have been doing.
I cant remember, I suppose I should most things down when I do them, but I am usually too tired at the end of the day to do it, and well as you all know I can be a bit lazy about these things, which is annoying for myself, because I think about most things at night when I am falling asleep, and this is when I cannot be bothred to get outof bed and write them down...
I will tell you about what I can remember doing over the past couple of weeks.
One of the things I did was two saturdays ago, when I went to Halls Gap Zoo, I had wanted to go since before I left England, and went on and on about it, and finally went. It was quite a cold day and it rained and it was windy, and from the outside of the zoo, I thought it was going to be a bit rubbish, and had my doubts, but it turned out to be lovely, very quaint, very welcoming and lots of native animals ( and a few exotic ones like deers ) We bought some animal food ( me Kate and Kyrsten ) and the woman at the entry warned us not to feed the deer straight away, well they must of smelt it on us because as soon as we walked through the gate about 7 deer ( British fallow bambi deers ) came rushing up to us, and the first thing Kate does is start feeding them! so for the next 10 minutes we were chased round the Zoo by deer, much to mine and the grils delight... NOT! They were quite intimidating, and pushy for the food, and lots of screaming and laughing later we went through some gates and left the deer, however I did fall slightly for one of the deers, her name was Colin ( I named her, we thought she was a boy until Kyrsten checked...) She was my favourite and followed us everywhere and came to me when I called her. Unfortunatly I wasnt allowed to take her home But nevermind. Thye had lots of animals at the Zoo, and I stroked some dingoes and a kangaroo, and a wombat and a possum, and they had monkeys and a big scary ostrich, and some buffalo things and a cockatoo that spoek, and some Koalas that a very cute. I loved the Zoo so much I am having my birthday party there with a theme of dress as and animal beginning with the first letter or your first name, I know it will be weird a bunch of 23+ somethings turning up at a zoo dressed as animals, but who cares! After the Zoo we drove to Ararat and were going to look at the old nut house there but it was shut, and then we spent ages looking for somewhere to eat, but it all looked horrid and dirty and a bit skanky so we went back to Halls Gap, via a winery ( I had some red wine to taste and felt obliged to buy a bottle which I am yet to drink ) then bought a snack as we were ravenous and went to a pub for dinner. Now this was the weirdest place I had ever been to eat. You choose what you wanted off the menu that was written on the wall, went up and paid, then you were giving a ticket with a number on it and you waited for the machine on the wall to flash out your number. A unique dining experience maybe you could say.......
Last Monday we took a trip out to a place beginning with N and visisted Kyrstens Aunty and cousins aged 2 and a baby ( 5 months maybe??)
I have also been looking for a job,but not had much success but I will keep trying ( looked for a long time this morning )
At the weekend we went to our friends dads 50th Birthday in a place called Donald, it was a nice little town and we dropped by to Kyrstens great aunt and uncle, who took us on a tour round the town in the car. This was interesting...
Then we had a BBQ at the party and I tried some Alpaca to eat, it was very nice quite tough though and chewy, everyone was lovely at the party. There was a pet deer in the garden which was odd, but this is Australia anything can happen..
In other news I was put on the job of looking after Kyrstens grandparents plants for the week as they are away on travels, I offered to do it for them, not knowing how much of abig deal it is, there are alot of plants and her grandparents are very protective of the, but they are all still alive thank god!
I cannot think of anything else to write oh I held a snake on sunday...
This is a bit cheeky but I will cut and paste another story from what I wrote to big bro Chrissy today as I cant be bothered to write it all out again....
I am extremely traumatised, I had a very bad experience in the car last night. I will tell you the story.
Me and Kyrsten are happily driving down the Highway ( like a motorway but 2 lanes )
The sun is setting over the mountains, the radio is playing and I look out the window, we are driving about 110KMPH, nice and happily, when I see something out the window, I look again, and it is a Huntsman spider the size of the palm of my hand. Now, I am quite terrified, I turn to Kyrsten and say quite nicely considering I am s***ting it, in a high pithced voice, ''Kyrsten can you pull the car over please, there is a f***ing huge huntsman on my window'' so Kyrsten pulls over and starts to put the window down, I am freaking out by this point, she walks round the side of the car, and I am frozen in fear she takes me out the car, the spider has disappeared, I am shaking like a leaf, and stand near the boot of the car, this panic turns into me hyperventilating, and I start to have a panic attack, whilst Kyrsten is looking in the car for the spider, next thing I knwo, I collapse on the side of the road, and start panicking the spider is on me, and then Kyrsten kills the spider and chucks it away. after much more panicking and crying and worrying, I feel abit better and get back in the car. I didnt sleep much last night after the trauma, and had to get Kyrsten to check under the bed and all in my room for spiders. I was still shaking when I went to bed. I also saw a poisonous spider, but that didnt bother me as it was small. I DARE you all to google Hunstman spider and tell me you wouldnt of freaked out when it was only less than a foot away from your face! But anyway Kyrsten was very brave and my hero for saving my life last night!
Ok now I cant think of anything else to write, it is coming up to Xmas soon, which will be odd as it will be hot, but as I say everything is odd around here.
Much love to you all, miss you all. Keep in touch, share my blog around.
- comments
Zoe Oh noes. Funnily enough I was reading some website the other day and someone was talking about Huntsman's spiders on there so I know what they look like and lol, if I never meet one of them in my life I will die pretty happy I think. LOL You're a brave adventurer now and England seems particularly wussy.
Jeff Martin Lovely to see that you are in with the locals. We are all missing you and today was the college panto day. Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe. It was very good and the highlight wasone of our students being sick on the back row. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.