Considering I was going away with a complete bunch of strangers I thought it was probably a good idea to try and organise a meet up so we can all get to know each other before we left.
The group spoke about it and decided that London was going to be the best place to try and organise something. We all threw some ideas in but decided best to just go with the flow.
Once of the new recruits "Rachel" offered her house as the meet up which later proved to be much more work than she had bargained for! We all met up at Rachels and said our hellos and how do you do's "Looking good so far" I thought to myself, as no one seemed to be a looney and everyone looked how they did on facebook. I did contemplate trying to imposter one of the other group members before they arrived to see how far I got but decided best not to make everyone think im a looney hey ;)
Before we knew it the group was bundling in to Rachels car embarking on their first shopping trip, awesome stuff, we all had the same idea.... Drinking games and Pizza! We arrived back after spending a tad to much on a very nice selection of alcoholic beverages and set to work cooking everyone dinner. Job Done, now the games begin. Circle Of Fire was the aim but we thoguht we'd warm up with a few rounds of columns (for those of you who dont know this game, you may be lucky enough for me to one day explain it to you, otherwise ask Andy Potter if you know him).
This proved to be far more intense as we had planned and before we knew it we were cruising through the round after round all chatting and getting to know each other. Everything was going well so far, we all enjoyed the same music, ROCK :) , everyone was rocking out to a bit of Rage. I was happy with the people that I was going round the world with, although we still have to meet another 10 people when we get to Bangkok as they couldnt make it to the meet up!
After the warm up games we headed out to Camden to have a little boogie in Worlds End. Time flew and we were soon back at the house winding down. Needles to say we all woke up feeling a little worse for wear but we all had a wicked night, only a few more weeks to go till we're on a plane together for 11 hours!!
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