Woke up to find Rich straddling my body as he was leaving to go for a shower, so I got up and went for one. Spent the morning washing up the dishes and sorting out all the waste and water and stuff before leaving the campsite, we struggled to get the waste out because we had to use the hose and the thing was blocked again so we just left it. We stopped off at the Speights brewery again on the way out to fill up our water bottles from the fresh spring water tap they have. While we were doing that, Rich turned the van around, because we were on such a hill the waste water began pouring out from underneath the back of the van and created a smelly stream all the way down the road. Helen tried her hand at navigating us out of the city, after we had completed a full loop around the Octagon again she said she'd had enough so I took over. We drove towards Omararu, we pulled in to a campsite to empty the waste water on the way, the bloke there said there was usually a $5 charge for it but as I'd asked so politely he let us do it for free. We began by attaching our waste hose and draping it in to the drain, we got an initial chunk of what looked like an entire nut bar come out, it was actually loads of rice, noodles, bread and fish scales compacted together in to the shape of a bar. The water soon stopped as we got another blockage so we ended up stuffing the water hose up the pipe and blasting it with water to dislodge it again. This meant we had to put a bucket under the waste pipe and keep turning the valve off every time the bucket filled up, what an effort.
We finally made it to Omararu and pulled up at the info site. Inside they had a penny fathing we all had a go at riding and then spent a bit of time on their internet. In the afternoon we drove to the Yellow Eyed penguin colony hoping that we would get to see some, we waited for about an hour at a viewing platform about 100 metres away from the beach and only managed to see 4 seals and a pup before we decided to leave. We then went to the Blue Penguin colony down the road but this place was all fenced off and we would have had to pay to go on a tour so we just spent a bit of time in the gift shop hugging huge fluffy penguins. Helen bought a cool hat and then I went to use the toilet. There was some bloked standing outside them, I asked him if he was waiting to use the toilets and he said yes. About 5 minutes later, Rich came back and told me that there were loads of toilets through the door the guy was waiting at, the tit hadn't even bothered to check the door.
We drove south of the town to find an area to freedom camp. When we pulled up I went for a walk along the beach to see if I could spot any penguins. There weren't any, and there were far too many dog paw prints for there to be any about. We spent the evening playing a new game that Laura had bought called Malarky. It's a little bit like call my bluff, you have questions written on one side of a card and the answers on the back. You read out the question, pause then decide whether to give the correct answer or make up some bull s***. The others have to decide whether you're telling the truth or not, you get a point for every person you fool and a point if you can tell whether the person giving the QnA is bluffing or not. It was a nice change from standard cards, boggle, scrabble and billionaire and we all had a good laugh at some of the bull that people were trying to get away with.
We had a curry with Plum Sauce for dinner. This gave Rich immense amounts of wind, and it absolutely reaked. For some reason whenever he would go out for a piss he would save his fart until he was fully back inside the camper and stink it out, he found it hillarious, but after nearly 2 months of stench I was almost ready to knock him out. Shortly after one of Rich's farts Helen was walking up and down the camper and suddenly let out the most disgusting one ever, then immediately started laughing, turned around holding her arse and I thought she said "My bum's sore!", turns out she actually said "It's the plum sauce!". We were worried we were going to have to drive back in to town to visit some toilets but the flatulence eventually stopped. Laura and I finished watching 300 then a couple of simpsons and we all hit the sack.
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