hello my darlings. this time difference thing is doing my head in, we are always asleep at the wrong time to catch you. I should not be greedy I suppose cos we did have an hour on Skype! next time find one with a camera so I can check for any other add ons! anyway I am even duller than usual. just want to fly the flag for our Oli. miss you and love you and all that slush. take care mamaxxxxxxxx
Ollie Final Fantasy 12 is out, I think you have to come home now.
We went out for a Chinese last night (man didn't give our change back so I had to get angry with him!) Much of our conversation was about you guys and all the funny things we've heard you've been upto! So don't worry we haven't forgotten you!
Hope all is going well? Lots of Love xxxx
One Of The German Girls
Hey Chris you should keep on practiceing your german!!
I mean you really improved in two days...from that library thing to something that deep as "ich kann in meinen eigenen Schuh klettern"
You would be doing great visiting germany I am sure of that
cu kristina
Mummy Walker
Glad you got the cv luke. I know what you mean about Dad - just when you think it can't get any worse off he goes again!!! I do try to keep him in check but I'm fighting a losing battle!!
Oh Jon - I do feel sorry for you (NOT!!) you have to learn about MODERATION! haha hope your head feels better soon.
Ollie - make the most of lukes efforts - he's never cooked ME anything - not even bread!! Chris - sounds like the german is going well, hope it doesn't get you into trouble!!
Take care all and have fun xx
Hey guys! Dad, thanks for the CV! Not able to open it on this PC (using the free museum ones) but will have a look later. Thanks for the update on your life as well! Very interesting! When are you going back to the mental home? Mum, I didn't think he could get even more mad and strange! THis new layout is a bit odd, very fancy though. We will put a journal entry on soon, just so we have an entry for Melbourne and we might try and put some photos on too. It won;t be a long entry but will give you all a bit of an idea as to what it's like over here and what we have been getting up to. Went out last night and didnt go to bed till 6am, I was going to stay up for the free brekkie but couldnt be bothered. The weather is great today so I think I'm off to go lounge in the park to read and listen to some Blink! Bye for now xx
Jon Tickner
Hello again
Im very tired and have a headache.oh dear oh dear. Yes we all went out last night. I might of got a little carried away with the wine. Which is called 'goon' here in oz. That is cheap wine in a box, 4 litres for 6 quid. Bargain!!.
We all got back very late, Luke fell asleep in the lounge and came to bed around 6am. Chris and Laj went into the city about 10am while me and luke stayed in bed until 2pm. ohhhh its a hard life.
Not much to say, looking forward to see Stu now, another member in our gang. We have promised him not to go to the neighbours tour without him.He's a fan like we all are.
Nan and Grandad - Have a nice time in Bristol, have a good birthday Grandad.
Speak to u all soon
Chris its all about the effort! Mr Page would be proud of you!
Enjoy the BBQ boys and getting some sensible food in your bellies! Its free, so Jon teach them the student responce, stock up and wear trousers/shorts with big pockets!
Take care! Have fun!
The two german girls in my room are well impressed with my german language skills... Apparently they are vital phrases that I have somehow managed to conjure up by remembering certain german words. Such as...
"Der Bahnhoff ist im einen bibliotek" Meaning, the trainstation is in a library. And...
"Mein Vater wird einen Flugzeug-Hund Morgen haben" translating, my father will have a aeroplane dog tomorrow!
Last one and my favourite..."Ich kann in meinen eigenen Schuh klettern" which means, I can climb into my own shoe.
If only I could remember the german I should of actually of been learning those five years eh?
Well check this out! very fancy looking! im most excited by the tab for videos! we've already got some stonkers waiting to be displayed so i'll get right on it!
Chris and I are just gonna go read in the park across the street as they other two have abandoned us! gosh! then we got a free BBQ at the hostel to which we intend to take full advantage of! then probably booze and a night out in the city.
still no progress on finding a flat, we've given up on that now really. the nunnery is pretty cool anyways and we've settled in. i even cooked tea for Luke last night and he's promised me 'cooked bread with butter' in return! i canni wait!
i have to hold my hands up and confess that i snore more than chris (apparently) but he's now taken to random fit of laughter in his sleep! very unnerving! plus there was a possum fight outside last night and it was soo loud it sounded like it was on our balcony! not alot of sleep i can tell you.
sara- i'll try call again soon and hopefully i'll know if its you or not rather than chatting away to the poor gal who answered the phone last time!
not much to report other than we watched teen wolf in the lounge the other night! awesome viewing!
be in touch soon
Daddy Walker
Sorry readers, para 4 is 'not' how it should have read... should read..
Spent most of today preparing for a conference an this involved much mind mapping... so you can guess things are likely to get a a bit whacky....etc
I will stop now as the 'Captain Morgan' is influencing me!
Have a good day
Daddy Walker
The life of Daddy Walker, Day 8 March 2007, 2nd Millenium, 3rd rock from the sun 119 miles from Derby...
Todays Log entry... No change from yesterday .... still mad as ever! (immature some will say and spot on!)
'CV update for Luke' .... Sorry mate the beasty is still on my 'Y' drive.... this is actually 'techno babble' for I was not connected the Rolls-Royce interface today, as working away from site and was not Lan connected. 'Lan' being Local Area Network for those who are potential technical 'luddites' ... definition of 'luddites' can be found under 'L' in Full Oxford Dictionary for those that want to know more.... p.s if I have smelt it wrong can you let me know please... TA!
Spent most of to day preparing for a conference and this involved much 'mind mapping'... so you can guess its some of the things we will get the delegated to do will likely to be a bit 'wacky'.... I will keep you informed as my ideas develop.
Hope todays gone well for all of you and Jon is not overworked (what's this about leaving on Friday... tough expedition or what.... how dare they expect 'poms' to work more than 5 days at a time... how outrageous is that!! (we are only here for the beer)
Luke ... Ruth behaved herself when she visited us last night and she corrected her Bristol accent without any prompts from us (such as saying.... 'Bath' rather than the correct pronounciation 'Barth')
Log ends 12.41pm
Dappy Winkler
Gem Big Sis
Aaahhhh, I dont like the new one!!
Hows things in Oz boys? Any luck with anymore jobs?! Bet thats the last thing you want to do after all that relaxing!