Lucy's Overseas Trip!
Hello all...
Have been in Mexico City for a few days now and it has been quite an experience! At the moment there is alot of protesting going on in Mexico City and Oaxaca. It can become quite dangerous, but has been fine for us as we haven't ventured out into the 'bad' areas.
The day we arrived Mel, myself and a few others from our tour group went to the Museum of Anthropology - it was huge!! Very interesting as alot of the exhibits were related to some of the Ancient Ruins that we have seen on this tour! There were also alot of cultural exhibits of Mexico which was great to get a taste of their traditions and way of life.
Yesterday we went on a guided tour to the ruins of an Aztec civilisation. These ruins were particulary good as there were so many different pyramids and structures! Mel and i climbed halfway up the 'Pyramid of the Moon' but saved our energy to climb the 'Pyramid of the Sun', which is one of the largest pyramids in the world! Mel counted the whole way up.....255 stairs!! And these aren't ordinary stairs, each one is at least 30cm high! It was a very tiring hike up there, but certainly worth it once we reached the top! The 365 degree view was absolutely amazing!! We sat up there for about half an hour to take it all in...(and to catch our breath!!!)
It amazes me how the Aztecs used to climb these structures everyday....they would have had extremely strong legs!!! Keep doing those thigh and leg strengthening exercises dancers...they'll help you out in the future I assure you!!
Today I stayed in the hotel for the morning as I was up sick during the stomach is still not used to the traditional Mexican dishes!! Oh well, I'll soldier on!! This afternoon we are just lazing about as we have to get up at 3am tomorrow morning to get to the Airport to catch our fight to our next destination....Miami. We weren't sure if we would be able to fly there because of the recent hurricane threats, but the airline assures us that it is fine!! So watch out we come!!!!
Best be off....
Will chat to you all from Miami!
Thanks for the regular emails!!
Lots of love and hugs..
LUCY xoxoxoxo
ps - clodagh, didn't get your email!!
pps - Good luck to all my students at ASSG sitting their music exams...I'm thinking of you all and sending you all a 'LUCY HUG'!!!!
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