Although neither of us were keen on Sydney... the cash was running out and we figured it'd be easy to get work, so we thought we'd give it another try. With the help of British Balls (a hilarious backpacker mag) we found the Sydney Terraces... and what a find! The terraces was (as the name suggests) a load of terraced houses let to backpackers.... which resulted in loads of fun, parties, drinking and generally everyone knowing everyone's business, hehe! We were based just next to Newtown, which is a really nice area full of bars and eateries, nom nom nom! The scene there was really arty... and also very popular with the local lesbians... me and mel chose not to go to the Sly Fox when it was "Dykes on Bikes" night... scary!!!
Every other time we've been to Sydney we've stayed close to the CBD, so it was really good to see another side of the city.. and this was definitely one we much preferred!
We didn't really do much in the way of touristy stuff as we pretty much spent mon-fri working and on a weekend flitted between tipsy (yes just tipsy!) and feeling rough (not hungover, hehe!). The closest we came to that was taking our friend Kelsey to Bondi Beach when she visited us from Melbourne.
Our first jobs in the city were working on world youth day, mel was checking maps and I did the admin on a press conference to convince sydney the whole thing was a good idea... but we like to think we single-handedly arranged the popes visit, hehe! After that I worked for an educational awards company... which involved a lot of skiving on facebook... it was tough but someone had to do it!!!
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