Lucys been let loose
Hi Guys,
Well im now sitting in Chile but only been here a couple of hours so not much to report.
Argentina waaaas amazing, i loved eveeery seconed of it. Rio was great dnt get me wrong but busy, noisy and you didnt feel 100% safe.
Really enjoyed going to Sugar loaf and Christ. Was lovely sitting eatign cheese bread and drinking a can of Guarana whilst sat on Sugar loaf looking over at the Christ kinda sereal to be honest! Went out one night got very drunk but we wont go into that pictures spk for them sleves really!
The hostel was ok apart from having to climb to the third bunk up, hitting my head most morns always a laugh! All in all Rio is a bit of a party city. Did enjoy my time there though! Some brill peple in the hostel...two kool Canadian guys! Heyyyyy!!!
Went to a fab market ... such a shame no more room in Rutsack! Brought a nice Sarong and dress oh and a lovely knitted white top very kool!
Had a really nice salad too so nice not to be eating rice and beans! whoooooo! But as much as i moan (i know guys me moan who knew!) I miss Brazil and my family there.
Alex, Phinder and i got a bus from Rio to Sao Paulo at 11pm and Alex and myself left for Argentina at 7ish we arrived at got a taxi and both veery tired and it was very cheap. We were both enjoying the ride taking in the scenery, when the car stops the driver gets out and puts hazard lights on can i just mention this was on a motorway. He gets us out and takes us to pick berries off the tree i was laughing so much!!! The berries were good but hey i was tired and wanted to get hostel.
We finally arrived at the hostel and it was really nice after spending a good 10 mins of hesterical laughter! Attiqs room was down by the dingy kitchen and was a little like a cell however he then moverd in with Alex and me whilst we were there, bad move
Attiq remember this i dont like people who snore:
Attiq snoring all night
Lucy finally had enough ... Feels on floor and reaches for flip flop and throws at Attiqs head hits the wall above head and wakes attiq
Attiq "what!"
Lucy "Attiq if you snore once more im gonna punch you in the face!"
Attiq "Im being bitten!"
Lucy "Is that why your snoring?"
Attiq "no"
Lucy "In that case i really don`t care!"
Aw im so sweet when im woken aint i!
Shopping in Beunos Aires was amazing ... so cheap beautiful skirt for xmas day and Alexs birthday. Alex 21 n Nz how much fun are we gonna have!
Went to the Casa Rosada ( and yes i did shout Eva Peron) Also went to the Eita museum and the Zoo which had pretty much every animal i can name! Honest! Though some asleep wich annoyed me a bit the least the y could have done is a bit of a show (do they know who i am!)
The boys were kool to be with but my goodness i leant alot about the mind of boys and can i just say thats the scariest place i have ever been im not going back there again!
Went for two really nice meals at Buffet places both founf in the Lonely planet southn america book or as i like to call it The Bible! The boys wouldn't let me eat from breakfast so i was ready and prepared for the all you can eat! Seriously it was 2 pounds! Does it really mea i have to eat everything! Though can i just say Yum!!!!
Also went to the biggest rd in the world 20 lanes it was madness!
REALLY got in the xmas mood in the shopping mall but came out to tango dancers and the heat very strange...poor santa i say!
Oh well Chile really fun so far, love it but will tell all when i get to Nz, all ya need to know is i tried a drink that burnt my nose to smell and then pretty much burnt the whole way down! Not having one of them again!
Love you all and hope all are well
Kisses and hugs
Lucy, Locket, Lulu, mate and Mona Lucia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nic we miss you lots and lots email coming your way asap
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