Lucys been let loose
Hey all!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Well aint typed in a while so thought as i have some spare time on my hands i'd type away what ive been up to in Chile and now im in Newzealand!
Met Jess on the plane to Chile, was brill loads of leg room which was ace as well very tired! Had 4 seats to myself! Got woken up to have breakfast...they should have let me sleep. Imagine a beautiful try a little foiled covered plate with a nice glass tiny wine glass with a serviet sounds good doesnt it? Well it was till you removed the foil to view you sandwich...cheese and bacon (we dont do vegeterain meals!) the bread you could have quite easily have broken a wall down with let alone try and eat! and the glass was never used as they bring you a tea cup for ya tea or coffee! and you folk and knife that were nicely wrapped up inside of the colourful serviet are also useless a metal folk and plastic where is the sense in that? Jess didnt bother trying it as she thought it was like punishment i had ago but it felt like lead hitting my stomach so stopped! Note to all dont fly with GOL!
When we finally arrived in Chile poor Jess's bag hadnt come through, so we had to wait for the next plane to come in with it on, so we went and had a real sandwich in the cafe!
Money very odd in Chille i paid about 16,000 for a sandwich and two pints on beer, i did mention to jess that in future we would just starve that was untill i worked out that added up to about 1 pound 60p! Oh how we laughed with that money!
Well we got the bus and headed off to our hostel it was just a short walk from the bus sure it was if you knew the way! We crossed the same stupid road about 4 times backward and forewards! We (i say we JESS) finally found the road and off we set number 252, imagine my shock when i realise we have just walked past 34...stupid hot hot hot weather didnt help and stupid stupid rutsack! Anyway with sweat dripping from us we finally arrived at the hostel which was very nice and we got our room!
We unpacked and went down stairs for a nice cold drink maybe a beer we thought! But when we got down there Sabastian on the desk suggested that we try and Chilian special... OK we said like fools...can i just say that this drink made the hairs fall from my nose at the very sniff and it certainly didnt taste any better! We went for a walk and had a lovely meal at the Phone box english pub suggested by the lonely planet ...very good!
We spent days looking round and we waited for Phill and Sarah to arrive! We met soem nice peole and booked to do some kool things.
Jess, Phil and Myself went on a walking trek into the Andes to the Argentina side it was really good with some beautiful scenery, howevere i do feel that i have been a little spolit my the stunning glaciers of Norway and spitzbergen etc but the vast range of the Andes was amazing and it was fantastic crisp skys! Notice in the picture i look like 'little girl lost in the mountains' the rainbow version! I burnt my head so had to keep it covered and jess had put about a whole tub of sun cream on my head which everyone found vbery amausung-thats veryone except myself!
We also visited the Mary statue that they have in Chile on top of a hill, basically the same as Rio! We had ice cream at the top. Up on the tram down in an egg, well its meant to be a cable cart but you can only really fit 2 people in its quite scary as its so small and the windows so filthy you could hardly see out but hey ho off we go and all that!
On the day i left for Newzealand we went to a winery in the morning and then out for lunch!
So, now i know how to taste a wine and check the colouring and the smell and all that jazz! lol Apparently your not meant to just down the glass, who knew!
Anyway we had a very nice day and it was well worth it! Plus we got to learn all about the wines taste two free ones by one cheap and you got to keep your wine glass all of the by 12 in the afternoon not bad hey!
Right i went back and watched a bit of tv and got showed and dressed ready for the off. Said by goodbyes, prob not goona see some of those guys again. Jess walked me to the bus stop[ to make sure i got on the right one (see how great she is, keeping an eye on me with those buses) I arrived early at the airport and got signed in.
Heres a funny story!
I went to the bored and and it said desk 16-19 so off i toddled with my bags into the que...the men in the black coats and white gloves pulled me out checked my ticket and went through my bags then wheeled me into the 1st class que...chuffed i was really chuffed! Handed my pastport over and got told i was in the wrong que and that i needed desk 24 the board was wrong and i should have been told, and i wasnt i 1st class either so basically to move. I did point out at the time that should someone not have informed me previuosly! So bright red me has to put my rutsack back on and my day sack and the little bag of bits a could fit in to anywhere else and off i went! By this time i was late to check in ended up with a middle seat on the middle row of 4 all booked up as well...great!
I went through to the gate and waited surrounded by lots of english speakers i was so excited to be able to talk to people for a bit! Wondering who i'd be sat next to on the plane!
I'll carry my tales on in a bit ... its gets worst i tell you!
Need to grab a coffee, But read the next entry on being lept on by a dog (no normal dog either!)
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