Hi Lulu, We only just discovered your blog. Brilliant to see all the pics too. It looks wonderful. Thank you for your card from Sydney and we are vvv impressed you did the bridge! Lots of love, H & R xxxxx
Tand D
Wonderful photies with some marvellously relaxed animals. Keep enjoying LOL T and D. Mint is well and asleep at the moment
Great to see your photos updated, beautiful beaches etc. Keep it up.
Helen Wells
Hey Hun, Glad to hear you're well and having what sounds to be an awesome time. I am so jealous, especially of your adventures in South Africa. The chaos continues here and not much changes although I have been instructed by your mother to tell you that I have met a new man called Steve, he is from Australia, have you met any of his relations??????????????? Anyway enjoy the rest of your trip and keep us posted, all your exciting news helps distract me from the fact that your Mothers causing trouble again! Love and laughter Helen. x x
Miss Brown
glad all is well sounds like you are having far too much fun while im still folding my well the boarders pants and socks. sleep out this weekend and i have three days off yippee sorry dont do punctuation but iam on a conputer. enjoy lots take care and be fairly good. lots of love from miss brownie.xxxxxx
Hi LLLLLSG. Glad to hear that the fun continues.
Yay! You are alive! lol! Its so good to hear from you, glad you're both ok! Hope your bus trips are awesome! lol!
I wanted to ask you if you knew of any hostels in Sydney? Chris wanted to know if you had come across any, or heard of any? No worries if not! Interview went ok at Bristol...not sure how they thought it was but i came out a lot hapier than when i went in...(a nervous wreck!) lol! You know what im like!
Also...I got a letter from the isle of wight! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So excited, got an audition on the 23rd of feb! V scary! Dunno what to sing!
Anyway, enough of me...have an awesome time! Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Give my love to Anna! Stay safe!
Keep checking but no more updates! Are you still there? Or are you having too much fun!! Take Care LUS Bye
Amanda And Phil, Jim And Ben
Hey Lucy,
Just wanted you to know that we all wish you a very happy birthday! Glad you are enjoying yourself! Stay safe. I enjoyed the photo's....
Love Amanda xxxx
Graeme Higgins
Hi Lucy!! I thought I would give you yet another birthday wish from the UK!! Great pictures - you are obviously having fun?
From Graeme, Caroline and Serin!!
Jimmy Lilley
Hey Fluff
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you are having a great time
Take loads of pics
Have fun see you soon