Hi you 2
Skiing looks great. New Zealand certainly seems to have provided some really exciting opportunities for you guys.
We were down in Bristol for weekend. Really nice. Phil had a ball at Glastonbury. Your dad says he is going again next year. Nothing else new.
Carry on having a great time.
Speak to you soon
Robbie's mum xxx
Helen Taylor
Hi Robbie, Hi Lucy
New Zealand looks fabulous and the blog was really good. You are seriously making me want to visit.
Hope everything continues to go so well.
We love and miss you both
Stay safe
Robbie's mum xxx
Hello gang!
Lu and Rob I can't believe you both skydived!! You are soooo brave! Well done :-)
Looks like you are still having lots of fun.. the weather is picking up in England, so it might be nice and hot for you when you get home!
Can't wait for you to get back Lu, seems like a lifetime since I've seen you?!
Loving the blog updates, keep 'um coming!
Lots of love,
Kate x
Hello you two
Sounds like you are trying lots of exciting activities in NZ. I hope you are enjoying them all. The skydive looks terrific not so sure about the one hanging off such high buildings!!!!!
Hope you are both OK. Stay safe and stay in touch.
Missing you
Mum xxx
Ray Taylor
Looks like you are going enjoy the outdoor adventure country in the world. Whats next bungee jumping, Lucy will like that better it not as cold. Looks like you are having fun, despite reservations about the rest of the human race. You need to take a chill pill and don't let anybody get under your skin.
Take it easy. Ray
Have seen your photos on Robbies facebook now and they are really good. NZ is obviously the place for the daring so please be careful. Oslo was beautiful last weekend but very very expensive. The cheapest bottle of wine was £30!!!! The weather was fantastic but not so good for my trip to Bruges with the girls this weekend. Very overcast with rain forecast and much lower temperatures. I am really excited about joining you in Hawaii even thought it's a bit of a way to go for one week. Your room is booked now and despite Dad saying you had to have the broom cupboard I've overruled him and booked you an ocean view room with breakfast. Will give you booking details via email. Have lots of fun in NZ but take care. Look forward to seeing you both soon. Marge xx
Hi you two
-Sounds like you are still having a great time despite the rain. It was good to talk to you yesterday. Pity about the result Rob but we had a great day and enjoyed a barbeque rather than a miserable drive home from Wembley.
Phil has been suffering from tonsilitis and is feeling sorry for himself but everything will be OK again next week when his exams are over.
Have a safe journey to Auckland. I guess the weather will be a bit of a shock. Hope you have some warm clothes.
Enjoy yourselves and take care
Robbie's mum x
Good to hear from you. I love the camper van it looks very cosy. Hope Robbie is enjoying your cooking as much as we are missing it Lu. Make the most of your last few days in Australia. And then another adventure begins.....
Hi you two
Sorry we were cut off yesterday I tried to get back to you but only got your answerphone. Hope everything is going well. Tell us what Brisbane is like and post another blog soon.
Missing you
Robbie's mum xxx
Nice to hear from you both again, it sounds like you are both having a good time, I'm glad Lucy's feeding you well after all that driving! I hope she's not as bad a back seat driver as her Mum!
Enjoy yourselves...
Lucy's dad
ha ha you two are so funny eating your dinner in the campervan!! i prefer lucy's style of folding the table out and eating outside!!
Hi Robbie, Hi Lucy
I love the pics. The West Coast and the camper look terrific. I wouldn't mind a couple of weeks trying that experience myself. Today is grey, miserable and drizzling in Liverpool but hey, the summer is supposed to be nice I'm just not sure when summer will start!!!
Nothing much happening here. Phil has finished all his lectures, only exams left. He has been playing golf with your dad and partying with Olly and Shaun. I hope the next leg of your adventure is as much fun.
Stay safe and look after eachother,
Robbie's mum xxx