Hi you two
Seems ages since I wrote on your blog so just thought I would leave you a message. Hope everything is going well. It sounds like the camper van was a real success. Robbie, your dad's card arrived a little early and he couldn't resist opening it. We thought it was really good. This weekend is Sarah's hen weekend and she brought all her friends up to Liverpool. We had a really good night.
Hope you two are still having a great time. I'll speak to you soon
Robbie's mum xx
Hope life in your camper van is fun. Glad you managed to get a new camera so we'll get some more piccies soon. Don't worry about the other camera just pack it away and I'll sort it when you get back. Robbie I was a bit sad about your comments re the hump back whales - whale watching is something that I really want to do!
Enjoy yourselves and I'll speak to you soon. Marge xx
Nice sunset photos....Have you been taking lessons from Marge?
Hope you've had a good time in your camper van. Sorry about the tickets.
Lucy's Dad xxx
Hi guys
Enjoyed reading the blog. Just as well I know and love you, you sound like a real thug Rob. The heat must be disagreeing with you!!!! I thought a very long vacation was meant to be relaxing.
Anyway, stop throwing your weight around and chill.
In years to come you'll look back and have fond memories of Perth I'm sure.
Everything good here in Liverpool. Your dad and Phil are really looking forward to the game on Sunday.
Hope the camper van works out well. Drive carefully and keep in touch by text if the blog is difficult.
I miss you two, carry on having a great time
Robbie's mum xxx
Nan Sue
Hi Lu and Robbie in looking at your photos with the magnifier. You look as though you are having a wonderful time. We all miss you I kept your bed warm for you over easter Lu. Not getting very far with the eye they are driving your poor mum crazy/ Enjoy the rest of yur adventure and take care. Lots of love to you both.
Aunty Mary, Mike & Jemma
Hi u 2,
Photos look good. We're off to Welbourne Road soon for the footie and Sunday lunch. Continue to enjoy yourselves. Mary xx
Happy Easter!
Update the blog soon.
Message for Lucy's dad...
Thanks for the tickets, they arrived on Saturday morning. Myself and Phil are looking forward to the game and hoping for the right result.
Let me know what I owe and I'll forward a cheque.
This blog is useful for something even if it's not up-dated too often!!!!
Message for Robbie's Dad... Tickets sent by registered post today for delivery on Monday..You will need to sign for them....Hope you win!
Not much action on your blog. I thought we might have heard about Melbourne by now. Anyway Rob, we've got you a ticket for Leeds Festival for your birthday. Phil tells us it's a good line-up.
Take care, speak soon
Robbie's mum xxx
Have just had time to catch up with the blog. Sorry I didn't make my usual Sunday call - will try and catch up with you in the week. I hope that Melbourne weather is better that when we were last there and that you got to see the Grand Prix. Do you remember Lucy when we drove round part of the circuit in a cab when we were out there?
I think you need to keep Robbie in the shade Lu while you catch up with his tan!
Only one more week at school!! Hurrah!!
Keep us updated. Speak soon
Mum xx
Hope the journey was good and that it is nice in Melbourne. Nothing much happening here. Phil is home for Easter but he has an interview in London this week and is going back to Leeds to see a band on Wednesday. Hope you two are having an exciting time, don't forget these cities have lots of culture as well as bars!
Stay safe and stay in touch
Missing you both
Rob's mumx