Heya, I'm in Gisborne at the moment, staying with a bee man. Tis cool, i managed to work my 20 hours for the week on monday and tuesday, which means i have the rest of the week off. Spent today at the skatepark which was cool. Am getting slightly better.
Am off to Havelock North in two fridays time which is cool, am there for two weeks. Only got stung once on tuesday which is impressive considering we started at 9 and didn't get back til nearly 9, which was a long day. I had forgotten how pointless bee stings are. They hardly hurt and they kill the bee, what a silly defensive system.
Also realised something the other day that wont make sense unless you have seen the dramatisation of Terry Pratchett's "The Hogfather". I it is a bad guy called Mr Teatime, but insists that it is pronounced Tey-a-tar-mey, which is roughly how a Maori would pronounce it. Maybe he was secretly a kiwi!
Anyway not much else to tell.
Speak soon.
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