hello laurence saw your mum the other day, she is very much looking forward to seeing you in new york. are you looking forward to coming home?
Stella Turner
Happy new year to you Laurence - but you've got there before us!! Hope 2008 is a fantastic year for you. Take care. xSx
for sun for missing you but great ur having fun
just thought I'd write here too!
Happy Christmas. xxx
Hey toad how r u?
enjoying your self in NZ? hope so =D
Next week 4 home work in school we have 2 take in a CD of some music we listen to & i'm taking in Underdog =D
oh also do u kno whereyou'll be at x-mas? if u do can u send me there home address please thanx
Lots of love from eery one down here =D
x..Jazz..x xo xo
Michael Moore
Heys dude, sounds and looks like you're having an awesome time, very jealous stay well dude. peace and love
Horley Library
Hi Laurence,
Nice to know that you are enjoying yourself, think of us here in the cold , damp, grey (are you getting the picture) country. Fairy party this saturday - should be fun. Christmas party is the nativity and Wendy has the starring role as Mary. You are being represented by a sheep (NZ of course) life size we hope. Made by James. Must do some work now
Su & Simba
Hello! Very jealous Like the pics Struck dumb
Is the video 'scowl' due to the smell of rotten eggs then? Love the vid M
Just caught up with your pictures and blogs, but I looked at the pics first and not being a hobbit fan wondered what all those little homes were in the hills - I naively thought that was how the kiwis lived! But then I read the blog and was enlightened! Sounds like you're having a great time, but sorry to hear that you are shorter and lighter though. Perhaps you need to find a job cleaning giraffes' ears to stretch you out again? Take care.
mmmmm cats.... i thought cats were meant 2 b agile??? how come every cat i see is mutilated in some way??? ie half ear, half nose, no eyes, hair fell out in some bizarre feline mining incident??...etcetc... anyway i just wanted 2 wish u luck and hope that u r enjoying bonding with kiwi fruits and sheep in NZ!!! by the way POO kIN THONG is pure genius!!!!
Michael Moore
heys dude, good luck with trip, sounds like ur havin an awesome time... very cool pics-hopefully continues for the whole 6 months (and 2 days lol). uni is good, very nice people in flat. hope all stays well.