So today I had to leave my beachy paradise which I am very upset about! I could live there!
Braved 2 public buses to get to the airport! The locals had to put up with me asking at every stop if we were there yet. They were great though, and told me where to get a ticket (something I hadn't thought of!), and pretty much kicked me off the bus when we got to the airport!
I'm getting the hang of these Indian airports now! 2 flights went very smoothly. Got more curry :-) I've progressed to trying meat now, risky I know, but so far no probs!
I was the ONLY whitey on my planes! I felt like i was in a zoo with everyone staring! On one flight the guy next to me was 'discreetly' taking photos of me on his camera phone! Nice. He also talked on his phone during take off and a good 10 mins into the flight! Safe
Arrived in Delhi and boy was that a change!!! There was my little guy with a placard with my name on it! Score, airport pick up! So I had prepared myself for the slums and for the delhi belly....but the driving!!!! It is something else! If you manage to get past the fear of dying, it's pretty hilarious!!! Total bumper cars! No indicating, just swerving across lanes, cutting people off, dodging cows and pedestrians! It is MENTAL!!!! The cars all tuck their wing-mirrors back because they get that close to other traffic!!! My hostel was in a hectic part of town, it was totally buzzing at 8pm with night markets and whatnot. Hostel is good though! I have my own room and bathroom hooraaaaaay!!!!
Sept 18th: Got a tuc tuc to my new hotel, but the guy had nooo idea where it was! I thought it was just me that doesn't understand Indian addresses! When I finally arrived, boy was this posh!!! Another step up from last night, I have a doorbell for my room! Immense!
I wandered around my neighbourhood a bit trying not to get lost. Gave in and had a McDonalds, but oh my god was it the best one I've ever had!!!! No beef in sight so I had paneer, which I later found out is like a cottage cheese. Nice
Met a couple of people from my tour- one of whom is my room-mate is a DOCTOR!!!! So she can take my stitches out of my back!!! Perfect!!!
We had our official pre-departure meeting for my tour at 5pm. There's 9 of us total- 6 brits, 2 ozzies, and 1 from.....? I forget! Lovely people though. And the tour leader is adorable. So we had food, got to know each other, had some beers on the roof. It was nice! I'm very excited to start this tour!
Sept 19th: Up early to take a mini-bus around the sights of Delhi. It was toooootally p-ing it down!!!! So we all got drenched looking at India Gate, parliament building, Gandhi's memorial etc. Last stop was the Jama Masjid mosque. We had to rent these uber sexy gowns to cover all our body. Had a look around, climbed a miiiillion steps in a minisule tower, but it was worth it for the view! As we were getting back in our van, there was gunfire which hit 2 tourists, so we got the heck out of there. We then spent the next 10 hours deliberating if we felt safe continuing the tour. We got Pizza hut to help us think :-D
Sept 20th: I had horrible nightmares all night, and decided I couldn't enjoy the tour if I was always worried about getting shot, so the tour left without me :-( I spent the afternoon hanging out with the hotel staff (who were properly awesome!) and then flew back to Goa.
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